Keren Cytter ‘Domestics’
6 Mar 09-9 Apr 09

Pilar Corrias is delighted to present an exhibition of new works by the Israeli artist Keren Cytter.

Keren Cytter creates films, video installations, and drawings, representing social realities through experimental modes of storytelling. Characterised by a non-linear, cyclical logic Cytter’s films consist of multiple layers of images, conversation, monologue and narration systematically composed to undermine linguistic conventions and traditional interpretation schemata. Recalling amateur home movies and video diaries, the artist’s films depict intensified scenes drawn from everyday life in which the overwhelmingly artificial nature of the situations portrayed is echoed by the very means of their production.

For her first exhibition at Pilar Corrias Gallery, Cytter has created two new films that combine the kitsch quality of 80’s cult cinema with allusions to realist literature. Drawing on references as diverse as Jorge Luis Borges, Alfred Hitchcock; Luigi Pietrucci; Samuel Becket; Kenneth Anger; Ernesto Modani; Julio Cortázar and Ryunosuke Akutagana, these new films will be installed alongside new large-scale drawings and texts to form a composite work that seeks to question our experience of the films on view.

Keren Cytter was born in 1977 in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 2008, Cytter was awarded the prestigious ‘ars viva’ prize by Kulturkeis der deutschen Wirschaft. The artist was also the recipient of the Bâloise Art Prize at Art Basel in 2006. Major solo exhibitions of Cytter’s work include Witte de With (2008); Centro Huarte de Arte Contemporáneo, Huarte (2008); Stuk Kunstcentrum, Leuven (2007); MUMOK, Vienna (2007), and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2006). Group exhibitions include Television Delivers People, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2008); Manifesta 7, Trentino (2008), and Yokohama Triennial, Yokohama (2008). Cytter’s work will be showcased at CCA Center for Contemporary Art, Kitakyushu in 2009. The artist will also show at the New Museum’s first triennial: Generational: Younger than Jesus, New York (2009).

Cytter is the author of three novels: The Man Who Climbed Up the Stairs of Life and Found Out They Were Cinema Seats (Lukas and Sternberg, New York – Berlin, 2005); The seven most exciting hours of Mr Trier’s life in twenty four chapters (Witte de With, STUK & Sternberg, New York – Berlin, 2008), and The Amazing True Story of Moshe Klinberg – A Media Star (onestar, Paris, 2009).

Keren Cytter lives and works in Berlin.

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