Sam Lewitt and Lucy Raven: Wild Sync & Weak Locals
23 Jun 16-5 Aug 16

Pilar Corrias Gallery is pleased to present a two-person exhibition by Sam Lewitt and Lucy Raven, Wild Sync & Weak Locals.

In the ground floor gallery, Sam Lewitt activates custom fabricated copper-clad plastic heating circuits by maxing out the electrical energy available for lighting. Etched out of exposed photolithographic emulsion, the copper lines that heat up on these films trace-out pull quotes from the lexicon of infrastructurally administered flexibility.

In the lower gallery, Lucy Raven recreates the industrial rotocaster as a system for projecting light. Two wall-mounted structures, Casters (2016), rotate 575w lamps in mirrored trajectories, illuminating the interior of the gallery in a figure X.

Sam Lewitt
(b. 1981, Los Angeles, USA) lives and works in New York. Recent solo exhibitions include: Less Light Warm Words, Swiss Institute, New York (through July 2016); More Heat than Light, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel (2016), CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco (2015); Verbrannte Erde: Second Salvage, Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren (2014); Casual Encounters, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York (2014); International Corrosion Fatigue, Galerie Buchholz, Cologne (2013). Recent group exhibitions include: Collected by Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner, Centre Pompidou, Paris (2016), Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2015); No Shadows in Hell, Pilar Corrias, London (2015); nature after nature, curated by Susanne Pfeffer, Fridericianum, Kassel (2014);  Geographies of Contamination, David Roberts Art Foundation, London (2014); and Materials and Money and Crisis, co-organised with Richard Birkett, MUMOK, Vienna (2014); Whitney Biennial 2012, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2012).
Lucy Raven (b. 1977, Tucson, Arizona, USA) lives and works in New York.  Recent solo exhibitions include: Serpentine Galleries (forthcoming December 2016); Low Relief, Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio (through November 2016); Lucy Raven, Centre Vox de l’Image Contemporaine, Montréal (2015); Curtains, Portikus, Frankfurt (2014); Hollywood Chop Riding, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco (2014); Curtains – Lucy Raven, Interaccess Gallery, Toronto (2014); Hammer Projects: Lucy Raven, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2012). Recent group exhibitions include: Le Grand Balcon [The Grand Balcony], La Biennale de Montréal, Montréal (forthcoming July 2016); The Owl’s Legacy and its Discontents, National Gallery of Prague (2015); Over you/you, 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (2015); Art in the Age of Planetary Computation, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam (2015); Test Pattern, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2013); and Materials and Money and Crisis, MUMOK, Vienna (2013); To Look is to Labor, Basilica, Hudson (2013); Whitney Biennial 2012, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2012); Dust in the Machine, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe (2012); Greater New York, PS1, Long Island City, NY (2010).
The artist wishes to thank: Bob Bielecki, Vic Brooks, Robert de Saint Phalle, Michael Friend, Eric Lin, Paul Marlow, Corrina Peipon, Alena Samoray, Phil Tippett.

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