

Alice Theobald

Opening Times is pleased to announce the release of Alice Theobald’s Taking Stock with Alice – a music library of new compositions recorded by the artist that draws upon her long-term research into the commodity of affects through language, sound and intonation exploring how they shape human experience, interaction and perception. Taking Stock with Alice looks at the affective power of film scores, music for television and stock music, analysing subjectivity, collective empathy and their relationship to repetition and cliché.

Alice Theobald develops multifaceted installations that incorporate sculpture, music, performance and video. Her work addresses accepted concepts of spectacle and emotion to explore the spectrum of acting and performance present in our everyday lives and the demand for “authenticity”. Drawing upon a mixture of pop cultural references, Theobald questions the essence of drama, stage and life when representing complex human themes such as love, aspiration, freedom, alienation, memory and doubt.

For more information click here.

Image courtesy of Opening Times online platform.

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