
Charles Avery at the Billboard for Edinburgh Project

Charles Avery at the Billboard for Edinburgh Project

Charles Avery is the 25th artist to contribute to the unique public art project, Billboard for Edinburgh. The project was originated from Ian Hamilton Finlay’s thoughts about the communications of ideas, believing the best ideas could be conceived in any scale or context, including a billboard at the back of  a train station. Avery’s contribution, We don’t stay here because of gravity we stay because we like it, reworks the familiar text found in his drawings of the fictional port of Onomatopeia. Previous Billboard for Edinburgh participants have included Peter Doig, Ceal Floyer, Cornelia Parker, Tacita Dean, Mark Wallinger and John Stezaker.


Billboard for Edinburgh
30 July 2014 – 30 October 2014
Ingleby Gallery
15 Calton Road
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 131 556 4441

For more information



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