
John Skoog at Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt

John Skoog at Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt

John Skoog with Christin Berg (DE), Benedikte Bjerre (DK), Andreas Bülow Cosmus (DK), Oscar Carlson (SE), Ian Edmonds (CA), Natasja Loutchko (SE), and Marcello Spada (IT) continue the work of their summer project at the Cinema-Teatro Apollo, Bellaria in Italy at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The exhibition Apollo will act as a new tool and mirror to the objects, stories and memories collected in Bellaria.

Weltkulturen Museum
Green Room
Exhibition 10 July – 11 August 2013
Schaumainkai 37, 60594
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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