
John Skoog is awarded ars viva prize 2013/14

John Skoog is awarded ars viva prize 2013/14

John Skoog is one of three recipients of this year’s ars viva prize for visual arts awarded by The Fine Arts Committee of the Association of Arts and Culture of the German Industry (Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e. V.). Along with a €5,000 prize the ars viva award presents the winning artists’ work in a series of exhibitions that are shown at three different venues for contemporary art.

The first ars viva exhibition opens at Neues Museum Weimar on 19 October 2013 – January 2014. The following venues will be: MMK Museum fur Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main (first half of the year 2014) and GAM – Galleria civica d’arte moderna e contemporanea Torino (July until September 2014).

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