
John Skoog wins Stockholm Film Festival scholarship

John Skoog wins Stockholm Film Festival scholarship

Pilar Corrias is proud to announce that John Skoog (b.1985) has been awarded with a prestigious ‘1KM film scholarship’ from Stockholm Film festival, 2013.

The motivation of the jury: “For evocative and compelling photographic portraits that move through time and space, combining the countryside’s innocence with the feeling of an ominous external world. With an enigmatic and highly personal narrative, the director recurs to the subjectivity of the memory in a society destined for change. 1 km film 2013 goes to John Skoog.”

The Stockholm International Film Festival´s short 1KM film scholarship is, since the start in 1990, the most valuable help for young, emerging Swedish filmmakers. The winner is awarded 100 000 SEK from Swedish Film Institute, (SFI) and production aid from Nordisk Film Shortcut, Dagsljus, Teaterförbudet.

Skoog’s previous awards include:

ARS-VIVA Preis, Kulturkreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft, Germany
Hessische Kulturstiftung travel grant, Wiesbaden, Germany
Malmö Art Museum 2013 Art Grant, Aase & Richard Björklund fund, Sweden
ARTFILM Prize, Lichter International Film Festival, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Helge Ax:son Stiftelse

Jury’s price, St Petersburg Film Festival

Stiftung Städelschule für junge Künstler Verein Portikus e.V.

Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes

For more information on the award

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