
Julião Sarmento and Ulla von Brandenburg at CA2M, Madrid

Julião Sarmento and Ulla von Brandenburg at CA2M, Madrid

Julião Sarmento and Ulla von Brandenburg will be included in the forthcoming group exhibition, PER/FORM. HOW TO DO THINGS WITH[OUT] WORDS, curated by Chantal Pontbriand at Madrid’s Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M). Combining the concepts of performance and performativity, the exhibition is conceived as an event which seeks to enhance performativity and that which performs itself. Taking its title from English philosopher and one of the founders of analytical philosophy, John Langshaw Austin’s “per / form,” the selection explores the ways in which art deals with reality in a performative way. Including objects, media, and bodies, the exhibition will be ‘live’ at all times, as installations, photography, films, performances, and discussions inhabit the space of the museum. Articulating different modes of “display:” the exhibition brings together 16 installation works, some of which include live elements, others which can be activated in situ, others of which will be activated in the city, and performative situations which will be concentrated in three days throughout the project. These three days are the Intensity Days, March 22, May 10, and September 22. Such days will work with the concept of “intensity,” as outlined by Jean-François Lyotard in defining what characterises a work of art seen as a situation. During the Intensity Days, there will be further activation of some of the installations, workshops, talks, discussions, and performances.

Participating artists include: Mathieu Abonnenc, Jennifer Allora & Guillermo Calzadilla,  Geneviève Cadieux, Jean-Pierre Cometti, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Cevdet Erek,  Esther Ferrer, Chiara Fumai, Ryan Gander, Dora García, Camille Henrot, Sandra Johnston, Amelia Jones, Latifa Laâbisi, La Ribot, Ines Lechleitner, Franck Leibovici, Cristina Lucas, Haroon Mizra, Antonio Negri, Roman Ondák, Falke Pisano, Chantal Pontbriand, Chloé Quenum, Pedro Reyes, José Antonio Sánchez, Julião Sarmento, Ulla von Brandenburg, Carey Young and Hector Zamora.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication with texts by Jean-Pierre Cometti, Amelia Jones, Antonio Negri, Chantal Pontbriand, and José Antonio Sanchez. The artists will contribute to the book in the form of visual essays. Edited by Chantal Pontbriand, designed by Agnes Dahan, published by CA2M/Sternberg Press.

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M)
22 March – 21 September 2014
Intensity Days: 22 March, 10 May, 20 September
Avda. Constitución, 23
28931 Móstoles
+34 91 276 02 21

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