
Ken Okiishi at Light Industry, New York

Ken Okiishi at Light Industry, New York

Ken Okiishi took part in ‘Projective Life: Lucy Ives + Ken Okiishi’ at Light Industry. Ken Okiishi presented his 1999 video Death and the College Student alongside Lucy Ives’ recent collection of dreams, aphorisms, games, and lists, The Hermit (The Song Cave, 2016).

Okiishi and Ives’ work discover the author adrift amid various image and information streams, preexisting texts and narratives. Foregrounding acts of attention, private thoughts, cherished puns and inside jokes, as well as the vivid strangeness of doing nothing at all, Okiishi and Ives enact visual experiences that may or may not be the stuff of photographs, drawings, video, and other still and moving images, traditionally defined. ‘Projective Life’ offers the audience to experience a time of reading untethered from the sad exigencies of plot, in which images erupt, contract, slide, skip, cohere, and fall apart in real time, whether or not they are, strictly speaking, seeable.

22 November 2016 at 7.30pm

Light Industry
155 Freeman Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

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