
Keren Cytter and Alice Theobald at “Trans-Corporeal Metabolisms”—The 12th Performance Project of LISTE Art Fair Basel

Keren Cytter and Alice Theobald at "Trans-Corporeal Metabolisms"—The 12th Performance Project of LISTE Art Fair Basel

“Trans-Corporeal Metabolisms”, the 12th edition of the Performance Project of LISTE Art Fair Basel, focuses on works that consider the body as a porous and permeable interface. Under the influence of current global geopolitical, economical and virtual realities the perception of what is human has changed drastically. The humanist model of a male, white, coherent, rational, self-confined Eurocentric identity is opposed by its nomadic, artificial and postidentitarian counterpart and therewith by one that explores alternative ways of conceptualising the human subject. Far from being impenetrable or from having well-defined boundaries of what is inside and outside, in the presented works the body is rather approached as a metabolic system that both operates actively and reacts to its surroundings. The relation between humans and technology, between humans and nature are as much a point of departure for this young generation of artists as are negotiations around postgender, transcorporeality and the (extra-) terrestrial.

Curated by Eva Birkenstock

Monday, June 13; 7 p.m. at LISTE
Free admission
Keren Cytter presents: “The Last Summer Fest of the European Union”, 2016
Feat: Studio for propositional cinema, Sarah Abu Abdallah, Alice Theobald, Misanthrope (Robert Kulisek/David Lieske) and Dan Bodan

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