
Keren Cytter at Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milan

Keren Cytter at Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milan

Keren Cytter will present her recent video Siren (2014) and a new film she is going to produce.
Siren shows her typical way to narrate insane stories, mostly centred on the conflict between genders and based on disorienting flashbacks, together with new digital tools that create a new visual language and change our approach to images. In Siren Keren Cytter deals with “poor images” and their mass processing and circulation through mobile and smart-phone cameras. Images and scenes of different qualities are repeated to show the wide range of ambiguous possibilities of interpretation images can have and to insist on issues such as love and revenge: the female narrator convinces her male friend to murder another man in the name of all women to revenge unequal treatment in the battle between sexes.
On show also some big size black and white drawings realised expressly for the exhibition, which have a dialogue with the footages from the film. The drawings realised on vinyl leather fabric become curtains used to play with the idea of theatre curtains and of the installation.

Keren Cytter
24 September – 13 November 2014
Galleria Raffaella Cortese
a. stradella 7 – 20129 milano

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