
Keren Cytter at Liverpool Biennial 2014

Keren Cytter at Liverpool Biennial 2014

Liverpool Biennial 2014 presents an evening of new moving image works by Keren Cytter, Sonia Boyce, Petra Bauer, Agnieszka Polska and Marinella Senatore that respond broadly to the regulations and social orders that govern our lives – and in turn, the way we attempt to break or navigate these rules. The Biennial’s curator Vanessa Boni will also be in conversation with Sonia Boyce.
Keren Cytter’s film The Coat is currently on display as part of the Tate Collection on the second floor of the gallery and uses a dramatic soundtrack, split-screen treatments and psychedelic morphing effects to frame a dramatic, murderous love triangle. For Leisure, Discipline and Punishment, FACT will be showing Cytter’s 2013 film Corrections, which tells the story of a man ridden with guilt for ruining his parent’s life. During the film, he compares his life to that of a cockroach, and while trying to remember what happened in the past, discovers the real reason for his guilt.

Tickets free, but reservation essential
Click here to book now

3 September 2014
88 Wood St
Liverpool L1 4DQ

5 July – 26 October 2014
Liverpool Biennial
55 New Bird Street
Liverpool L1 0BW
T +44 (0)151 709 7444

 For more information on the event


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