
Keren Cytter at Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel

Keren Cytter at Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Israel

This exhibition of work from the Julia Stoschek Collection, curated by Ruth Direktor, will constitute the largest presentation of time-based, projected works at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art. The exhibition title is borrowed from Adrian Paci’s 2004 work Turn On, allowing multiple, ambiguous associations with actions ranging from switching on, operating, and lighting to igniting, provoking, and titillating.

The works featured in “Turn On” were created in the last decade, in which technology-based media have developed at a dizzying speed. This is reflected in an astonishing variety of media-based art, showcased in the exhibition via 22 works by 16 artists. Their diverse cultural backgrounds, but also their living and working environments in Europe and the United States inform this variety of artistic means and artistic concerns.

The works will be displayed as installations that relate to the museum space as a sculptural sphere, presenting the video projections as distinct artistic experiences composed of image, movement, sound, space, and time. They present and reflect incommensurability and simultaneity as characteristics of our time, as well as revealing a museum space that accommodates itself to the unique qualities of the projected medium.

Participating Artists include Marina Abramović, Ed Atkins, Johanna Billing, Monica Bonvicini, Paul Chan, Keren Cytter, Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg, Jesper Just, Klara Lidén, Helen Marten, Adrian Paci, Seth Price, Christoph Schlingensief, Sturtevant, Mathilde ter Heijne, Andro Wekua.

Turn On: Time-Based Art from the Julia Stoschek Collection
30 March – 29 August 2015
Tel Aviv Museum of Art
27 Shaul Hamelech Blvd
POB 33288
The Golda Meir Cultural and Art Center
61332012 Tel Aviv
+972 (0)3 6077020

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