
Keren Cytter “A Retrospective” at Contemporary Art Meets Cinema, Bergamo Film Festival

Keren Cytter "A Retrospective" at Contemporary Art Meets Cinema, Bergamo Film Festival

International Film Festival | Bergamo, 5 – 13 March 2016


Keren Cytter’s Retrospective will be screened during the Festival; her work is an investigation of the boundaries between fact and fiction, whereby the use of non-professional actors and cameramen highlights the artist’s will to downplay today’s film industry, to reach the deepest roots of film language and to face existential issues such as hate and love – life’s very core – by way of a seemingly elementary irony.

Keren Cytter – “A Retrospective”
Bergamo, 5 – 13 March 2016 | Piazza Libertà Auditorium, San Marco Theatre
In collaboration with Raffaella Cortese Gallery (Milan)

For more info

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