
Keren Cytter in “Planet 9” at Kunsthalle Darmstadt

Keren Cytter in "Planet 9" at Kunsthalle Darmstadt

Kunsthalle Darmstadt presents group exhibition Planet 9 featuring a screening of Keren Cytter’s French Film, 2002 and Metamorphosis, 2015. Planet 9 is a cluster of exhibitions, performances, screenings and readings running from the 30th of May to the 2nd of July at Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Germany.

In 2016, Konstantin Batygin and Michael E. Brown postulated the existence of a ninth planet. While astronomers search for it, it becomes a metaphor that artists from many parts of the world bring into real and fictional life. Curated by Juliane Duft and artist Julian Irlinger, Planet 9 presents a collation of works by artists from more than 17 different countries. Occupying various rooms and time slots, the program “Projections” presents time-based artworks, focusing on the turn towards literary and cinematic narrative forms in contemporary art. The works in the program build upon the effect of fictional forms: remodelled narrative conventions generate new, idiosyncratic stories. Fictional and documentary materials blend – scrutinising both categories. Planet 9 is a projection surface as well as a reflector. Too far away to allow direct substantiation of its presence, the hypothetical 9th Planet is merely a shadow without an image. 

In art and other cultural practices fiction arises, offering distance with which to contemplate reality. As a photographic medium, film has a tension to it that resides from the indexical reproduction of reality to the deception of the staged picture. Multi-perspectival narratives indicate subjective experience, offering an alterity to the construction of identity. The selected films and readings oppose dominating narrations with critical fictions. Film and performances shown will feature: Eli Cortiñas, Keren Cytter, Deniz Eroglu, Loretta Fahrenholz, Henning Fehr and Philipp Rühr, Sharyar Nashat, Titre Provisoire and the Pure Collective initiated by Mark von Schlegel.

A screening of Cytter’s French Film (2002) and Metamorphosis (2015) will take place on Tuesday 27th of June, 2017 20:30 – 22 hrs. For more information, please click here. 

Keren Cytter
Planet 9
Kunsthalle Darmstadt
30 May- 2 July


Image: Keren Cytter, Metamorphosis, 2015, HD Video, colour/sound (still)

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