


Opening October 20, 6 – 9 p.m
October 21 – December 17, 2017
With: Margarita Bofiliou, Laure Prouvost, Jonas Staal, Alexandros Tzannis
and screenings with Zbyněk Baladrán, Filipa César, Keren Cytter, Cao Fei, Basim Magdy
Curated by: iLiana Fokianaki

Starting from the question ‘what could a European artistic program be?’, KADIST invites iLiana Fokianaki, Founder and Director of State of Concept, a non-profit institution located in Athens, to present a retrospective of her program that began in 2013. State of Concept has since its inception focused on solo exhibitions by international and Greek artists (such as After Europe by Jonas Staal in 2016, Margarita Bofiliou Everything’s wrong Xerxes in May 2015, Laure Prouvost C’est l’est not ouest in April 2016, a.o.) whilst inviting international curators to comment on the current socio-political landscape of Greece and beyond. During the last year, the focus of the exhibition program has zoomed into the many European crises. Fokianaki aims her exhibitions to function as agents that operate in between the domain of the political and the artistic, a space in concept, in which core notions that define our understanding of the world can be challenged and redefined. What other classifications, defining our place beyond or parallel to the state, the nation, the city or the community, can be imagined? The question addressed behind the exhibition at KADIST is ‘could a non-profit art institution born into a region of crisis be considered as a sovereign entity?’ What if we considered an art institution as a State in itself?

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