
Keren Cytter, Show Real Drama

Keren Cytter, Show Real Drama

Keren Cytter developed SHOW REAL DRAMA for Deutsche Bank as part of their series Globe in the Deutsche Bank Towers in March 2011.

SHOW REAL DRAMA is a play written and directed by Keren Cytter based on the life of two of her actors. Their story is unfold through repetition of text and gestures that are shifting from seemingly improvised moments to choreographed movements and create fractured, yet touching storyline.

After the premiere in Frankfurt am Main, SHOW REAL DRAMA has been toured to Berlin (Based in Berlin) and Bergen (Kunsthall Bergen), and will tour to the following institutions this year:


March 24 2012: Ke Center Theater, Shanghai

March 31 2012: Penghao Ren Theater, Beijing

April 7&8 2012: Bo:m Festival, Seoul

May 5&6 2012: The Kitchen, New York

June 2012: as part of Stedelijk Museum TS3 and in collaboration with If I Can’t Dance, Amsterdam

September 24-30 2012: Tate Modern Oil Tanks, London


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