
Koo Jeong A and Rachel Rose at the 32nd Bienal de São Paulo – “Incerteza Viva” [Live Uncertainty]

Koo Jeong A and Rachel Rose at the 32nd Bienal de São Paulo – "Incerteza Viva" [Live Uncertainty]

Curated by Jochen Volz along with co-curators Gabi Ngcobo (South Africa), Júlia Rebouças (Brazil), Lars Bang Larsen (Denmark) and Sofía Olascoaga (Mexico), the exhibition will be held from September 10 to December 11, 2016, at the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, focusing on notions of ‘uncertainty’ and ‘entropy’ to reflect on the current conditions of life and the possibilities offered by contemporary art to harbor and inhabit uncertainties.

The result of an investigative process initiated in March of 2015, the final list presents a selection of participants from 33 countries characterized by a strong presence of artists born after 1970, women – who represent over half of the artists invited – and commissioned projects, produced for the context of the exhibition.

32nd Bienal de São Paulo
“Incerteza Viva”
(Live Uncertainty)
September 10–December 11, 2016
Press preview: September 5, 2016

For more information

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