
Mary Reid Kelley at Whitechapel Gallery

Mary Reid Kelley at Whitechapel Gallery

Whitechapel Gallery presents a film of Mary Reid Kelley as part of Artists’ Film International. Mary Reid Kelley collaborates with her partner Patrick Kelley on the stylised black and white video This is Offal (2016), an absurdist take on TV medical dramas in which the organs of a young woman’s body argue about the cause her death.
Established by the Whitechapel Gallery in 2008, Artists’ Film International includes 16 global organisations. The programme brings together recent moving image works, which are presented over the course of a year in each venue.

Artists’ Film International
28 March – 28 May 2017
Whitechapel Gallery
77-82 Whitechapel High Street
E1 7QX

For more information

Image: Mary Reid KelleyThis Is Offal, 2016, Single channel HD video with sound, made with Patrick Kelley, 12’51”

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