
Philippe Parreno and Carlos Basualdo in Conversation, Palazzo Grassi, Venice

Philippe Parreno and Carlos Basualdo in Conversation, Palazzo Grassi, Venice

Philippe Parreno and Carlos Basualdo will open the Art Conversation series at Palazzo Grassi Teatrino, free monthly talks with artists from the Pinault Collection.

Parreno’s artistic practice is one characterised by his collaboration with other artists and the exploration of different artistic disciplines. Starting in the 1990s, along with Pierre Huyghe, Douglas Gordon and Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Parreno took up an artistic investigation that carved a radical rethinking of the exhibition concept through the dynamics of interdisciplinary.

Philippe Parreno considers the exhibition as a space/time dimension that offers multiple points of view on art and creation and which creates links between different forms represented through art works . Following this logic, the artist’s contribution to the exhibition Dancing around the Bride (2012/13), curated by Carlos Basualdo at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, involved creating an exceptional scenic design, examining the influence of Marcel Duchamp on four American artists of the postwar period–John Cage; Merce Cunningham; Jasper Johns; and Robert Rauschenberg. Most recently, Parreno’s works were presented at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, where he was the first artist to have carte blanche, using the entire space of the museum; at the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow; the Barbican Gallery, London; the Beyeler Foundation, Basel; the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia; and the Serpentine Gallery, London.

Carlos Basualdo is the Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Curator of Contemporary Art of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

The talk will be streamed live in English via the Palazzo Grassi website. Entrance is free, booking is recommended.

Art Conversation with Philippe Parreno
Thursday, 6 February, 2014
Teatrino, Palazzo Grassi
Campo San Samuele, 3231
30124 Venezia, Italia
+39 041 523 1680

For more information and booking

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