
Rirkrit Tiravanija at MONA, Hobart

Rirkrit Tiravanija at MONA, Hobart

Rirkrit Tiravanija is included MONA’s major exhibition for 2013, The Red Queen. The extensive group exhibition co-opts the Red Queen character from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass to drive the theme of this exhibition – notion that one might run and run, with neither goal nor end.
Other artists in the exhibition include: Shachiko Abe, Marina Abramovic, Francis Alÿs, Kutlug Ataman, Pierre Bismuth, Mircea Cantor, David Claerbout, Henry Darger, Hubert Duprat, Tessa Farmer, Michel François, Anna Halprin, Zhang Huan, Ryoji Ikeda, Wang Jianwei, Ali Kazma, Sung Hwan Kim, Joseph Kosuth, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Laith Mcgregor, Yves Netzhammer, Chris Ofili, Yazid Oulab, Brigita Ozolins, Mike Parr, Julius Popp, Sam Porritt, Alex Rabus, Léopold Rabus, Renate Rabus, Till Rabus, Leni Riefenstahl, Cameron Robbins, Sarkis, Lindsay Seers, Chiharu Shiota, Roman Signer, Taryn Simon, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Rover Thomas, Uta Uta Tjangala, Chris Townend, Erwin Wurm
, Chen Zhen
, Toby Ziegler.

The Red Queen
18 June 2013 – 21 April 2014
Museum of Old and New Art
655 Main Road Berriedale
Hobart Tasmania 7011
For more info

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