


From Saturday June 3rd to July 30th, Rirkrit Tiravanija presents Do we dream under the same sky, in conjunction with Nikolaus Hirsch and Michel Müller, as part of The Present and Future section of the 2017 ARoS Triennial, ‘The Garden – End of Times, Beginning of Times.’

The ARoS Triennial ‘The Garden – End of Times, Beginning of Times’ thematises man’s coexistence with and view on nature, indicating how varying world views (religious, political, ideological, cultural, or scientific) have had an impact on how nature has been represented in art through the ages.

The Triennial consists of three sections (The Past, The Present, and The Future), which provide the structural framework of the exhibition. The Past examines the landscape and man’s relationship with nature from the perspective of art and the history of ideas, The Present looks at nature in a modern urban context, and The Future explores the artistic reaction to environmental changes. The Present and The Future will be open to visitors in June and July of this year.

For the Triennial, Tiravanija presents his pavilion as a site of artistic and social collaboration, accompanied by a public programme lasting for the duration of its installation. Each Sunday, guests will be encouraged to take part in a cooking session, using only sustainably sourced food made from local ingredients. Daily from 5pm there is also a film programme selected by Tiravanija and architect Nikolaus Hirsch featuring a total of 16 different long and short films, each addressing man’s relationship with nature and the challenges facing humanity. From 9am to 9pm each day, the photo series The Oldest Living Things in the World by artist Rachel Sussman is also projected inside the pavilion as a slide show. Please consult the ARoS Art Museum website for more details.

(click here for more information).

Rirkrit Tiravanija
Do we dream under the same sky
The ARoS Triennial, Aarhus, Denmark
3 June – 30 July

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