
Tobias Rehberger at Museum Dhondt – Dhaenens in Belgium

Tobias Rehberger at Museum Dhondt - Dhaenens in Belgium

For Tobias Rehberger solo exhibition at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Re/Pro/Ducing Complexity, Rehberger has develops a series of large and colourful abstract sculptures. In Rehberger’s total project, the shadows cast by the sculptures on the surrounding walls are at least as important as the objects themselves. Special lighting effects and the slow rotation of the sculptures make that, at certain times of the day, the amorphous shadows on the walls form a hidden message.

Tobias Rehberger has been working on a consistent body of work in which he undermines artistic ideals such as genius and authenticity. Using strategies from the realm of design, Rehberger examines the meaning of art and what the future possibilities for art production are. The objects he creates are versatile and can be repeatedly adapted to the context in which they are meant to function. In this way, Rehberger’s oeuvre evolves into an unpredictable and playful whirlpool of glitzy shapes and colours.


Tobias Rehberger – Re/Pro/Ducing Complexity
23 October 2011 –  8 January 2012
Museum Dhondt – Dhaenens
Museumlaan 14
B-9831 Deurle




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