
Ulla von Brandenburg and Keren Cytter at Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome

Ulla von Brandenburg and Keren Cytter at Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome

Ulla von Brandenburg and Keren Cytter will take part in the project A Theatre Cycle organised by the NOMAS Foundation at Teatro Valle Occupato, Rome. Curated by Cecilia Canziani & Ilaria Gianni, over a period of three months, and distributed in three live events and two workshops, A Theatre Cycle reflects on the legacy, dialogue, and discrepancies between visual art and theatre, by focusing on the practice of a selection of artists who address the specificity of theatrical language in its diverse aspects. Dramaturgy, choreography, composition, representation, masquerade, dialogue, interlude, voice, body are some of the issues articulated by the artist’s interventions, which will each, in their specific development, underline the relationship between the stage as an exhibition space, the audience’s position, and the experience of the live act.

A Theatre Cycle – program

Thursday 27 March 2013,  9.00 pm:
Claude-Samuel Lévine, Theremin concert
Ulla von Brandenburg, Fü-fü-fü-fü-fünf
Julien Discrit, Thomas Dupouy, Claude-Samuel Lévine, Laurent Montaron, Ulla von Brandenburg, Parfums Pourpres du Soleil des Pôles
Laurent Montaron, Artillery

Thursday 23 May 2013, 9.00 pm:
Keren Cytter, Show Real Drama
Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Living Truthfully Under Imaginary Circumstances
Clemens von Wedemeyer & Maya Schweizer, Rien du Tout
Tino Sehgal, Untitled

A Theatre Cycle
Karina Bisch, Luigi Coppola & Marzia Migliora, Keren Cytter, Linda Fregni Nagler, Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Laurent Montaron, Tino Sehgal, Marinella Senatore, Marcella Vanzo, Ulla von Brandenburg, Clemens von Wedemeyer & Maya Schweizer
27 March – 23 May 2013
Nomas Foundation at Teatro Valle Occupato
Via del Teatro Valle, 21
Rome, Italy




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