
Ulla von Brandenburg at Mamco, Geneva

Ulla von Brandenburg at Mamco, Geneva

Ulla von Brandenburg presents 24 films made since the turn of the millennium and now brought together for the first time, in a maze-like configuration on the fourth floor of the Mamco museum. These 24 films, including Die Strasse, Around and Singspiel,  are uncut and mostly consist of a single long take that lasts no longer than the reel of film on which they have been shot. Their details are toned down by the use of black-and-white, the camera movement is hazy, and the scenery, clothing and accessories do not indicate any particular period or place — a loss of spatial and temporal clues that encourages the visitor to walk through the exhibition like a Symbolist reverie, with fragments of nursery rhymes, spiritualist séances, magic tricks or folklore rituals emerging from it.

24 Flime, kein Schnitt
29 October 2014 – 18 January 2015
Rue des Vieux-Grenadiers 10
+41 22 320 61 22

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