
Ulla von Brandenburg at the Common Guild, Glasgow

Ulla von Brandenburg at the Common Guild, Glasgow


In advance of her project with The Common Guild, Ulla von Brandenburg will talk about the development of her work as part of our “Primers” Series. Her talk will be followed by a Q&A with Carl Lavery, Professor of Theatre and Performance at the University of Glasgow.

Described as “a play for five actors and a chorus”, Sink Down Mountain, Rise Up Valley is inspired by the rituals of the Saint-Simonian commune, founded in the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution. The movement, to which von Brandenburg was drawn by their progressive attitudes to female equality in society, sought to eradicate any kind of inherited privilege. Instead they proposed a levelling of society, alluded to by the title of the piece.

Yudowitz Lecture Theatre, Wolfson Medical Building, University Avenue, The University of Glasgow
26 January 2016

For more info


“Sink Down Mountain, Rise Up Valley”

Described as “a play for five actors and a chorus”, Sink Down Mountain, Rise Up Valley is inspired by the rituals of the Saint-Simonian commune, founded in the immediate aftermath of the French Revolution. The movement, to which von Brandenburg was drawn by their progressive attitudes to female equality in society, sought to eradicate any kind of inherited privilege. Instead they proposed a levelling of society, alluded to by the title of the piece.

The invitation to discover the ritual activities of this closed community has never been more pertinent. While in-part clothed in the fashion of historical re-enactment, Ulla von Brandenburg’s project offers contemporary parallels, echoing the tensions sparked when strong ideologies clash with other belief systems. When does benevolent intent become problematic? While the welcome and the embrace of the community is undoubtedly warm, what are the effects of this brotherhood and how complicit do we become in their activities?

“Sink Down Mountain, Rise Up Valley”
Langside Hall, 5 Langside Ave, Glasgow
30 – 31 January 2016

For more info


Sink Down Mountain, Rise Up Valley (performance still), 2015

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