Tala Madani

Tala Madani’s work is characterised by loose expressive brushwork rendered in a bold, distinctive palette. Rich in narrative and heavy in irony Madani’s paintings depict darkly comic mise-en-scénes. Whilst her more abstract large-scale works usually contain a mass, group or collective, Madani’s more descriptive and intimately scaled paintings, and painterly video animations, depict uncomfortable scenes in which bald, middle-aged men engage in absurd scenarios that fuse playfulness with violence and perversity.

Whilst the figures imagined are stereotypical and loaded with associations, the activities in which they are engaged are strange and absurd. Through her distinctive painting technique, Madani imbues recurring symbols and imagery with a complexity that cannot be reduced to any single reading. Products of curiosity, fantasy, and desire, Madani’s paintings provoke a cacophony of interpretation that exceeds mere commentary. As such they exist as ‘vignettes for experimentation,’ as powerful meditations on the tension between the stereotypical and the iconic.

After receiving her MFA from Yale University School of Art in 2006, Madani made her solo debut in 2007. Recent solo exhibitions include: Shitty Disco, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London (2016); First Light, organised in collaboration with the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (curated by Henriette Huldisch, Curator, MIT List Visual Arts Center, and Kelly Shindler, Associate Curator, CAM St. Louis), MIT Visual Arts Center, Cambridge (2016); Smiley has no nose, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles (2015); Tala Madani, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville (2014); Tala Madani: Abstract Pussy, Pilar Corrias, London (2014); Tala Madani, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham (2014); Rip Image, Moderna Museet Malmö & Stockholm (2013); The Jinn, Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam (2011); Manual Man, Pilar Corrias, London (2011). Current and recent group exhibitions include: (X) A Fantasy, David Roberts Art Foundation, London (2017); Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2017); Hope and Hazard: A Comedy of Eros (Curated by Eric Fischl), Hall Art Foundation, New York (2017); Made Masculine, Museum of Art at the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire (2017); First Person Plural (Curated by Matteo Lucchetti), Utretch (2017); National Gallery of Victoria Triennial, Melbourne (2017); Please Fasten Your Seatbelt as We Are Experincing Some Turbulence, Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai (2017); Los Angeles – A Fiction, Musée d’art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon (2017); Zeitgeist, MAMCO, Geneva (2017); In Between, Mana Contemporary, New Jersey (2017); On Space and Place: Contemporary Art from Chicago, Los Angeles, Mexico City and Vancouver, De Paul Art Museum, Chicago (2016); Mixtape 2016, Pilar Corrias, London (2016); The Distance of a Day, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem (2016); Invisible Adversaries, The Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson (2016); Inside Out, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich (2016); Alfred Jarry Archipelago: La Valse des Pantins – Acte II, La Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel (2015); The Great Acceleration: Art in the Anthropocene, Taipei Biennial (curated by Nicholas Bourriaud), Taipei (2014); Made in L.A. 2014, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2014); Where are we Now?, 5th Marrakech Biennale, Marrakech (2014); PLAY! Recapturing the Radical Imaginiation, Göteborg Biennial, Göteborg (2013); The Future Generation Art Prize@Venice 2013, Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Venice (2013); New works 13.1, Artpace, San Antonio (2013); No Borders, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol (2013); He disappeared into complete silence; rereading a single artwork by Louise Bourgeois, Museum De Hallen, Amsterdam (2011); Speech Matters, Danish Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venice (2011); The Great New
York, P.S. 1 MoMA, New York (2010); 4th Tirana International Contempoary Art Biennial, Tirana (2009); Greater New Younger than Jesus, New Museum, New York (2009).

Madani was awarded the Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting (2013), the De Volkskrant Art Award (2012), shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Art Centre (2012), the Van den Berch van Heemstede Stichting Fellowship (2008), and the Kees Verwey Fellowship (2007). She was artist in residence at the British School of Rome (2010), and The Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam (2007).

Tala Madani lives and works in Los Angeles


Born 1981 in Tehran, Iran
Lives and works in Los Angeles


Tala Madani, La Panacée, Montpellier – FR

Shitty Disco, Pilar Corrias, London – UK
First Light, curated by Henriette Huldisch, and Kelly Shindler, Contemporary Art Museum St Louis, St Louis – US; MIT Visual Arts Center, Cambridge – US

Smiley has no nose, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles – US

Tala Madani, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville – ES
Abstract Pussy, Pilar Corrias, London – UK
Tala Madani, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham – UK

Rip Image, Moderna Museet, Malmö; Moderna Museet, Stockholm – SE
Tala Madani: Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City – US

The Jinn, Stedelijk Museum Bureau, Amsterdam – NL
Manual Man, Pilar Corrias, London – UK

Pictograms, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York – US

Dazzle Men, Pilar Corrias, London – UK

ASS•AS•SIN: hashish anyone?, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York – US

Smoke and Mirrors, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York – US

Cake Men, Oregon State University, Corvallis – US


Desire: A Show about sex, love and lust (Curated by Emiliano Valdés), Museo de Arte Moderno, Medellin, Colombia – CO
Selections from the Hammer Contemporary Collection (organised by Connie Butler and Emily Gonzalez-Jarrett), The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles – US
(X) A Fantasy, David Roberts Art Foundation, London – UK
On Space and Place: Contemporary Art from Chicago, Los Angeles, Mexico City and Vancouver, DePaul Art Museum, Chicago – US
Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US
Prospect 2017, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, California – US
Hope and Hazard: A Comedy of Eros (Curated by Eric Fischl), Hall Art Foundation, New York – US
Made Masculine, Museum of Art at the University of New Hampshire, New Hampshire – US
Black & Brown People | White Problems, Samsøñ, Boston, Massachusetts – US
First Person Plural (Curated by Matteo Lucchetti), Utretch – NL
Adult Swim (Curated by Gerasimos Floratos), Pilar Corrias, London – UK
I Plan to Stay a Believer, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York – US
Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US
National Gallery of Victoria Triennial, Melbourne – AU
Please Fasten Your Seatbelt as We Are Experincing Some Turbulence, Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai – CN
Los Angeles – A Fiction, Musée d’art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon – FR
In Between, Mana Contemporary, New Jersey – US
Zeitgeist, Musée d’art Moderne et Contemporain (MAMCO), Geneva – CH

On Space and Place: Contemporary Art from Chicago, Los Angeles, Mexico City and Vancouver, De Paul Art Museum, Chicago ­– US
The Distance of a Day, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem – IS
A Modest Proposal, Hauser & Wirth, New York – US
Omul Negru, curated by Aaron Moulton, Nicodim Gallery at Cantacuzino Palace, Bucharest – ROU
Malerei als Film, Kunsthalle Darmstadt – DE
Colliding Alien Cargo, Marlborough Chelsea, New York – US
Invisible Adversaries, Marieluise Hessel Collection, The Hessel Museum of Art, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson – US
Human Condition, Los Angeles Metropolitan Medical Center, Los Angeles – US
We Dance, We Smoke, We Kiss, Fahrenheit, Los Angeles – US
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US
Inside Out, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Zurich – CH
Mixtape 2016, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London – UK

Alfred Jarry Archipelago: La Valse des Pantins – Acte II, La Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel – FR
Black & White Mike (Curated by Benjamin Weissman), Center for the Arts Eagle Rock, Eagle Rock – US
Get Rid of Yourself: America is Hard to See, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US

The Great Acceleration: Art in the Anthropocene, Taipei Biennial (Curated by Nicholas Bourriaud), Taipei – TW
Made in L.A. 2014, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles – US
Everything falls faster than an anvil, Pace, London – UK
Dramedy, Forth Worth Contemporary Arts, Fort Worth – US
Where are we Now?, 5th Marrakech Biennale, Marrakech – MA
In the Near Future, The Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw – PL

Made in Space, Gavin Brown Enterprise, New York – NY
PLAY! Recapturing the Radical Imaginiation, Göteborg Biennial, Göteborg – SE
Future Generation Prize, Pinchuck Art Prize, Venice – IT
New works 13.1: Tala Madani, Adam Putnam, and J. Parker Valentine, curated by Suzanne Cotter, Artpace, San Antonio – US
NO BORDERS: Contemporary art in a globalised world, curated by Jeremy Lewison, Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol UK

21 Artists Shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize 2012, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev – UA
UNREST: Revolt against Reason, curated by Natalie Musteata, apexart, New York – US
De Volkskrant Prijs (De Volkskrant Art Award), Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Amsterdam –NL

He disappeared into complete silence, Museum De Hallen, Haarlem – NL
Speech Matters, Danish Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, Venice – IT
Open House, Singapore Biennale, Singapore – SG
Between my Head and my Hand, There is Always the Face of Death, Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland – US

Framed, Drawings in Motion, The Drawing Center, Smartspaces, New York – US
Greater New York
, curated by Klaus Biesenbach, Neville Wakefield, and Connie Butler, MoMA P.S. 1, New York – US
The Future of Tradition, The Tradition of Future, Haus der Kunst, Munich – DE
Touched, The 6th Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool – UK

The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame, 4th Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial, Tirana – AL
The Generational: Younger Than Jesus, The New Museum, New York – US
Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East, Saatchi Gallery, London – UK
Out-of-Line, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York – US
The Girl Effect, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, NY- US

Works on Paper, La Maison Jaune, Patricia Low Contemporary, Gstaad – CH
Size Matters: XXL-Recent Large-Scale Paintings, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill – US

Open Ateliers, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam – NL
Size Matters: XS-Recent Small Scale Paintings
, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill – US


MFA Painting, Yale University, New Haven
BFA Visual Arts, Oregon State University, Corvallis
BFA Political Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis


Video Commission, Creative Time/MoMAPS1/ MTV – US
Tirana Facades Project, Collaboration with Tirana Town Hall and T.I.C.A.B. Facade design of communist living blocks, Tirana – AL
Co-Producer, Bob Parks-“R & B Feeling”, Junior Aspirin Records – UK


Tiffany Foundation 2013 Biennial Grant
Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting
Artpace San Antonio, Spring Artist-in-Residence
Shortlisted for the Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev
De Volkskrant Beeldende Kunst Prijs (De Volkskrant Art Award)
British School of Rome, Abbey Painting Fellowship, Rome, Italy
Van den Berch van Heemstede Stichting Fellowship, The Netherlands
Stichting Kees Verwey Fellowship, The Netherlands
Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten/Dutch Ministry of Education Residency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fine Arts Work Center Residency, Provincetown, United States
Barry Schactman prize for excellence in painting, drawing and printmaking, Yale University, New Haven, United States
Schickle-Collingwood Prize, Yale University, New Haven, United States
Oregon State University President’s Award for Excellence in Art
Oregon State University ‘Plinkiewisch Scholarship’, full tuition, 1999-2003, Corvallis, United States
Oregon State University ‘Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship, Creativity (URISC)’, grant for painting residency in Berlin, Corvallis, United States


Eye Stabber, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US


USC Roski School of Art, Los Angeles, US, Core MFA Faculty
Rijksakademie van Beelende Kunsten, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Advisor
MICA Maryland Institute Collage of Art, Baltimore, US, visiting artist
Culture Now: Tala Madani, In conversation with Jessica Morgan, ICA, London – UK
University of South Florida, (FL), US, Visiting Artist Lecturer
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles, US, visiting artist
De Ateliers, Amsterdam (NL), Visting Artist Lecturer
Rijksakademie van Beelende Kunsten, Amsterdam (NL), ‘When Devil enters the studio’ Lecturer
The Cooper Union, New York, (NY), US, visiting artist
Yale University, New Haven (CT), US, visiting artist
Yale Summer School, Norfolk, (CT), US, visiting artist
Tehran University, Tehran, IR, ‘artist talk’, lecturer
Parking Gallery, Tehran, IR, ‘Lecture on Contemporary Arts’, speaker
Yale University, New Haven (CT), US, visiting artist
Oregon State University, Corvallis (OR), US, visiting artist
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence (RI), US, visiting artist
Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown (MA), US, ‘Grantmakers in the Arts’, panelist
Yale University, New Haven (CT), US, ‘Art and Transgression’, discussion panel
2004 German Council of Foreign Affairs (DGAP), Berlin, DE, research assistant: Immigration/ Integration
‘Iran-Germany Conference: Process of modernization in European and Islamic Countries’, Berlin, DE
‘Tehran/Berlin Media Conference’, Berlin, DE


‘He Disappeared Into Complete Silence’ , L. Cluitmans and A. Zeqo, Onomatopee and De Hallen Haarlem, NL
‘Speech Matters’ , Katerina Gregos, Danish Pavilion 54th Venice Biennale, Italy
‘Vitamin P2: New Perspectives in Painting’ Peio Aguirre and Negar Azimi, Phaidon Press, (NY), USA
‘Younger than Jesus: The Reader’ , Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni, and Laura Hoptman, New York, (NY), USA
‘Younger than Jesus Artist Directory’, Lauren Cornell, Massimiliano Gioni, and Laura Hoptman, New York, (NY), USA
‘Different Sames: New Perspectives in Contemporary Iranian Art’, Hossein Amirsadeghi, New York, (NY), USA
‘Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East’ , The Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
‘De verbeelding van de emotie, kunst als bindend element in de hedendaagse samenleving / Imagining emotion, art as a binding element in contemporary society’, Adriaan van der Staay, KNAW/Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL


Waxman, Lori. “Where best to experience art? At home or in the museum?”, Chicago Tribune, 9 November.
Moshayedi, Aram. “Men without Women”, Frieze Magazine, issue 152.
Wiley, Chris. “Tala Madani”, Kaleidoscope Magazine, issue 17.
Masters, HG. “Stop(ped) Making Sense”, Art Asia Pacific, issue 81.
Fox, Dan. “Postcards from Venice Pt.1: First Impressions”, Frieze Blog, June 1.
Punj, Rajesh. “Tala Madani, Mad Men”, Canvas Magazine, Issue 111.
Coxhead, Gabriel. “Tala Madani” ,Time Out, May 23.
Millard, Coline. “Tala Madani”, Modern Painters, September 2011.
McGarry, Kevin. “Greater New Yorkers: Tala Madani”, The Moment, T magazine, June 2.
Kerr, Merrily. “Tala Madani”, Flash Art, May/June.
Al-Hadid, Diana. “Tala Madani”, Bomb, Number 109/Fall.
McLean-Ferris, Laura. “Tala Madani: Dazzle Men”, Art Review, April.
Kopsa, Maxine.“Dazzled Man: The Paintings of Tala Madani.” Metropolis M, April.
Holmgren, Katherine. “Tala Madani”, frieze.com, January 30.
Dorment, Richard. “Unveiled: New Art from the Middle East at the Saatchi Gallery”, The Telegraph, January 27.
Watson, Simon. “Tala Madani: The Iranian Three Stooges”, Whitewall, Summer.
Perjovschi, Dan. “Artist’s Favorites”, Spike Magazine, Winter.
Roje, Natasha. “Ass-As-Sin: Hashish Anyone?: Tala Madani”, Bidoun Magazine, #15 Pulp.
Falconer, Morgan. “Tala Madani: Some men desire cake, some become cake, and some have cake thrust upon them” Art World Magazine, Feb/Mar.
Morgan, Robert. “Tala Madani: Smoke and Mirrors”, The Brooklyn Rail, May.
Schwabsky, Barry. “First Take: Barry Schwabsky on Tala Madani”, Artforum, January.
Maerkle, Andrew. “Smoke and mirrors”, Art Asia Pacific, issue 14.
Smith, Roberta. “Tala Madani, Smoke and Mirrors”, The New York Times, 30 March.
McClemont, Doug. “Doug McClemont on Tala Madani at Lombard-Freid Projects, New York”, www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk, April.
Banai, Nuit. “Tala Madani: Lombard-Freid Projects”, Modern P­ainters, May.

Leigh Ledare and Tala Madani—Whitney Biennial 2017

Leigh Ledare and Tala Madani—Whitney Biennial 2017

The formation of self and the individual’s place in a turbulent society are among the key themes reflected in the work of the artists selected for the 2017 Whitney Biennial. The exhibition includes sixty-three participants, ranging from emerging to well-established … More

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Miami Beach 2016

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Miami Beach 2016

We are excited to announce Pilar Corrias Gallery will be participating in Art Basel | Miami Beach 2016. The gallery will present works by artists: Ulla von Brandenburg Gerasimos Floratos Tala Madani Ken Okiishi Philippe Parreno Mary Ramsden Tschabalala Self Shahzia … More

Tala Madani “First Light” touring exhibition

Tala Madani "First Light" touring exhibition

“First Light”—focuses on Tala Madani’s engagement with the cinematic, presenting an animation and premiering a new series of paintings. Many of the paintings feature the presence of illumination—for example, the beam of a car headlight or flashlight; Madani’s subjects interrogate … More

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

We are excited to announce Pilar Corrias will be participating in Art Basel Hong Kong 2015. The gallery will present works by artists: Koo Jeong A Tala Madani Ken Okiishi Philippe Parreno Shahzia Sikander Rirkrit Tiravanija Tunga Art Basel Hong … More

Tala Madani at Hammer Museum, Los Angeles

Tala Madani at Hammer Museum, Los Angeles

Tala Madani is included in the Hammer Museum’s biennial exhibition Made in L.A. 2014, featuring works by 35 Los Angeles artists with an emphasis on emerging and under recognised artists. It debuts recent work and new painting, installation, video, sculpture, photography, and … More

Tala Madani at CAAC, Seville

Tala Madani at CAAC, Seville

Following her solo exhibition Rear Projection at Nottingham Contemporary, the show travels in April 2014 to Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC) in Seville, Spain. The exhibition presents a large selection of both new and recent works, combining the figurative and abstract in … More

Tala Madani at Nottingham Contemporary

Tala Madani at Nottingham Contemporary

In her first solo exhibition at a UK institution, Tala Madani will present a large selection of both new and recent works at Nottingham Contemporary.  Combining the figurative and abstract in comic, paradoxical paintings and stop-motion animations, Madani’s work often … More

Pilar Corrias at Artissima, Turin

Pilar Corrias at Artissima, Turin


Ulla von Brandenburg and Tala Madani at Canary Wharf Screen, London

Ulla von Brandenburg and Tala Madani at Canary Wharf Screen, London

The ICA, London have collaborated with Art on the Underground for a new off-site project, titled STOP!, at Canary Wharf Underground Station. STOP! is a three-part season of films and moving-image works by international artists and filmmakers who are showing as part of the ICA’s Artists’ … More

Tala Madani in Ikono on Air Festival

Tala Madani in Ikono on Air Festival

For the first time in TV history, ikono is launching an arts festival that will take place exclusively on TV and live webstream. From the 6th to 29th September 2013, the ikono On Air Festival will air a daily programme … More

Tala Madani at Göteborg Biennial

Tala Madani at Göteborg Biennial

Tala Madani will have works included in the 2013 Göteborg Biennial PLAY! Recapturing the Radical Imagination. The thematic approach for the biennial starts with a desire to investigate and critically reflect on the notions of play and radical imagination, as two important ingredients … More

Tala Madani in Holbæk, Denmark

Tala Madani in Holbæk, Denmark

Tala Madani has been commissioned to create a site specific mural for the exhibition How far away is the horizon in Holbæk, Denmark, curated by Solvej Ovesen. The exhibition of murals is a parallel event to the international performance art festival Occupy Utopia in … More

Keren Cytter and Tala Madani at Vanity Projects, New York

Keren Cytter and Tala Madani at Vanity Projects, New York

Videos/animations by Keren Cytter and Tala Madani are included in GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS, a video programme curated by Rita de Alencar Pinto, that explores the many facets of the female persona as portrayed by ten female video artists. GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS features work by Sophie … More



Tala Madani’s work is included in The Future Generation Art Prize@Venice 2013. Organised by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and PinchukArtCentre the exhibition includes the 21 artists, from 16 different countries, who were shortlisted in the second edition of the first … More

Tala Madani at Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Tala Madani at Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Tala Madani’s largest solo exhibition to date, Tala Madani: Rip Image, at Moderna Museet Stockholm opens on 24 May, 2013. It will present a wide selection of paintings, works on paper and animations. Tala Madani: Rip Image 25 May – … More

Tala Madani at Artpace, San Antonio

Tala Madani at Artpace, San Antonio

Tala Madani is part of Artpace’s Spring Artist-in-Residence programme alongside artists Adam Putnam, and J. Parker Valentine. An exhibition of new works developed during the residency will be at Artpace from 21 March – 19 May 2013. At the opening … More

Tala Madani at Moderna Museet Malmö, Sweden

Tala Madani at Moderna Museet Malmö, Sweden

Tala Madani’s largest solo exhibition to date, Tala Madani: Rip Image, at Moderna Museet Malmö opens on February 16, 2013. A wide selection of paintings, works on paper and animations by the artist will be on show in the Turbine … More

Art Los Angeles Contemporary 2013

Art Los Angeles Contemporary 2013

As part of the solo projects section of the fair, Pilar Corrias will present new works by Tala Madani. Art Los Angeles Contemporary 24-27 January 2013 The Barker Hangar 3021 Airport Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90405, USA http://artlosangelesfair.com/

Frieze Art Fair 2012

Tala Madani

Pilar Corrias is delighted to announce its participation in Frieze Art Fair 2012. The gallery will present new works by artists: Charles Avery Koo Jeong A Tala Madani Philippe Parreno Tobias Rehberger Rirkrit Tiravanija Frieze Art Fair, London 11-14 October … More

Tala Madani at apexart, New York

Tala Madani at apexart, New York

Tala Madani is taking part in UNREST: Revolt against Reason, a group show curated by Natalie Musteata at apexart which investigates issues of inequality, conflict and instability in recent history in the practices of contemporary artists Mounir Fatmi, Claire Fontaine, Shilpa … More

Tala Madani in conversation at ICA in London

Tala Madani in conversation at ICA in London

Culture Now: Tala Madani Tala Madani joins us for this lunchtime talk to discuss her work and practice with Tate Modern curator Jessica Morgan. Madani’s expressive brushwork and bold palette combine to depict darkly comic mise-en-scénes, with many of her … More

Tala Madani at Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam

Tala Madani at Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam

The gallery is delighted to announce Tala Madani’s solo exhibition at Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam. The exhibition will be Madani’s first solo show at a public institution. Tala Madani Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam Rozenstraat 59 1016 NN Amsterdam 10 December 2011- … More

Tala Madani at De Hallen Haarlem

Tala Madani at De Hallen Haarlem

Tala Madani will be participating in the group exhibition, ‘He Disappeared into Complete Silence: re-reading a single artwork by Louise Bourgeois’ at De Hallen Haarlem. The exhibition springs from the love that the curators Laurie Cluitmans and Arnisa Zeqo share … More

Tala Madani at 54th Venice Biennale 2011

Tala Madani at 54th Venice Biennale 2011

Pilar Corrias Gallery is delighted to announce that Tala Madani will be exhibiting work at the Danish Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale, 2011. Tala Madani will be one of 18 artist participating in the group exhibition, Speech Matters, which … More

Tala Madani in Liverpool Biennial

Tala Madani in Liverpool Biennial

Pilar Corrias is delighted to announce Tala Madani’s participation in Touched, the international exhibition at the 2010 Liverpool Biennial. A new animation produced specifically bt Madani for the show will be displayed alongside a recent body of the artist’s animation … More

Tala Madani at 4th Tirana international Contemporary Art Biennial

Tala Madani at 4th Tirana international Contemporary Art Biennial

Pilar Corrias is delighted to announce Tala Madani’s participation in, The Symbolic Efficiency of the Frame, the 4th Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial, Tirana, Albania. The largest international art event in Albamnia, T.I.C.A.B seeks to utilise contemporary art as a … More

Negar Azimi, The Charming, Disgusting Painting of Tala Madani, The New Yorker, April 2017 (Download PDF)

Jori Finkel, Tala Madani: The Descent of Man, The Art Newspaper, Feb 2017  (Download PDF)

Alex Greenberger, Desires Unrestrained: Tala Madani Takes Irrepressibility to the Whitney Biennial, Artnews, March 2017 (Download PDF)

Waxman, Lori. “Where best to experience art? At home or in the museum?”, Chicago Tribune, 9 November 2016 (Download PDF)

Andrew Berardini, “Tala Madani: First Light”, Artforum, January 2016 (Download PDF)

Robert Shore, “Paint Misbehavin'”, Elephant Magazine, 2014 (Download PDF)

James Cahill, Tala Madani, Art in America, July 2014 (Download PDF)

Jareh Das, “Laugh out Loud, Group Dynamics and the Chatarsis of Tala Madani”, Harpers Bazar, 2013 (Download PDF)

Men without Women by Aram Moshayedi in Frieze Magazine January/February 2013 issue (Download PDF)

Tala Madani by Chris Wiley in Kaleidoscope Issue 17 Winter 2012/2013 (Download PDF)

Stop(ped) Making Sense by HG Masters in ArtAsiaPacific Issue 81 November/December 2012 (Download PDF)

Modern Painter, Sept 2011 (Download PDF)

GreaterNewYorkers, 2010 (Download PDF)

Tala Madani: Shitty Disco

Tala Madani: Shitty Disco

Pilar Corrias is proud to present Shitty Disco, a new body of paintings by Tala Madani and her fourth solo exhibition at the gallery. Inside Shitty Disco a penis projects a cave-painting. Other figures project mise-en-scenes from their assholes. ‘Front … More

Mixtape 2016

Mixtape 2016

Pilar Corrias presents Mixtape 2016, a compilation of film and video from nine gallery artists. The exhibition devotes two days to each artist, showcasing the unique aesthetics of their practices and collectively the diversity of the gallery programme. Mixtape 2016 stems from … More

Tala Madani: Abstract Pussy

Tala Madani: Abstract Pussy

Follow the sign… Keep in line—be careful not to slip.  Pilar Corrias is pleased to present Abstract Pussy, Tala Madani’s third solo exhibition with the gallery featuring a new set of paintings. Tala Madani’s paintings confront and challenge our very … More

Tala Madani ‘Manual Man’

Tala Madani 'Manual Man'

Pilar Corrias Gallery is delighted to present ‘Manual Man’: an exhibition of new work by Tala Madani. Madani works with painting and stop-motion video animation to create playfully rendered, cartoonish situations loaded with violence and machismo. Her second solo exhibition … More

‘It’s fine as long as you draw but don’t film’

'It’s fine as long as you draw but don’t film'

Pilar Corrias Gallery is delighted to present ‘It’s fine as long as you draw but don’t film’ (Waltz with Bashir, 2008): An Exhibition of Drawings. Directed by Ari Folman, the Golden Globe Award wining, feature-length animation Waltz with Bashir (2008) … More

Tala Madani ‘Dazzle Men’

Tala Madani 'Dazzle Men'

Pilar Corrias Gallery is delighted to present the London debut of Iranian-American painter Tala Madani. One of the most engaging painters of her generation, Tala Madani creates darkly comic mis-en-scènes in which small and large scale groupings of bald men … More