
99 Words with Keren Cytter at The Blank Bergamo Contemporary Art

99 Words with Keren Cytter at The Blank Bergamo Contemporary Art

“… I’m sitting at home in Berlin and go on writing.
I’m wearing a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt I bought in Japan with white sunglasses.
Even when I just write to myself it’s clear to me
that I want some-one to read it, and I want him to laugh or cry.
No one has ever cried from something I wrote
except for some nut I met ten years ago in art school.
She told me she cried from some poems I wrote,
it was the first time I thought she’s mad.
I think I’ll pass the coming days unconscious.”

—Keren Cytter, Whitye Diaries, 2011


From March 5th to 13th, The Blank at BFM – Bergamo Film Meeting will be screening Keren Cytter’s films including Game, Experimental Film, Rose Garden, Corrections, Siren, and Les ruissellements du diable in the exhibition Retrospettiva – Keren Cytter. Keren Cytter’s films destroy modern principles of cinema, searching for a balance between performance and theater. The artist plays with real notions and fiction, involving non-professional actors and cameramen. Her filmic representation adds a surrealist touch to existential concerns such as love, hatred and the human condition giving both a dark and comic reflection of the contemporary society.


Keren Cytter – “A Retrospective”
Bergamo, 5 – 13 March 2016 | Piazza Libertà Auditorium, San Marco Theatre
In collaboration with Raffaella Cortese Gallery (Milan)


For more information on the screenings

For more information of the BFM program


Image: Keren Cytter, Siren (video still), 2014. Courtesy of Galleria Raffaella Cortese (Milan); Galerie Nagel Draxler (Berlin) and the artist.



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