
Charles Avery at GAM, Milan

Charles Avery at GAM, Milan

Charles Avery’s drawings are included in the exhibition Year After Year, curated by Francesco Bonami for UBS Art Collection at Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Milan. The exhibition draws works on paper from the UBS Art Collection to examine artistic production on paper through 50 works by 33 acclaimed international artists working from 1960s to today. Artists in the exhibition include: Frank Auerbach, Charles Avery, Georg Baselitz, Troy Brauntuch, Chuck Close, John Currin, Lucian Freud, Robert Gober, Jenny Holzer, Martin Kippenberger, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Longo, Sigmar Polke, Ed Ruscha, Jim Shaw, Cy Twombly and Robin Winters.

Year After Year: Works on paper from the UBS Art Collection
21 March – 21 June 2014
Galleria d’Arte Moderna (GAM)
via Palestro, 16
Milan, Italy
For more information

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