
Keren Cytter “Show Real Drama” at mumok, Vienna

Keren Cytter "Show Real Drama" at mumok, Vienna

We are a Parasite on the Institution of Cinema, An Institution of Parasites: First Studio for Propositional Cinema Film Festival is a project by the collective Studio for Propositional Cinema, which takes on the form of a film festival. Instead of a series of film screenings in a dark auditorium, the various artist projects take various forms and are instead contextualized within the rubric of cinema, suggesting variant readings of both the content of the work and the context of cinema generally. Taking place in the mumok kino, designed by the Austrian artist Heimo Zoebernig in collaboration with the architect Michael Wallraff, the project is constructed as an articulation of the structural and theoretical nature of the space itself, and proposes an alternate reading of its intended and potential functions.

Studio for Propositional Cinema contends that “as the linguistic terminology around cinema erodes, new opportunities exist in the spaces where language ceases to function”. These events include performances by American artist/filmmaker Peter Miller, the Berlin­ based collaborative duo Calla Henkel and Max Pitegoff and the collective Feminist Land Art Retreat; a re-enactment by the collaborative duo Henning Fehr and Philipp Rühr; a play in the form of a sculptural installation by the artist Sarah Kürten; a play by New York­ based artist Keren Cytter; early short films by the artist Christopher Williams and the world premiere of the film Single by Alex Wissel and Jan Bonny, an essay film based around the Single Club, Wissel’s already legendary night club/social sculpture in Düsseldorf which includes guest appearances by, among others, Lars Eidinger, Peter Doig, Agipet Iljazi and Sibel Kekilli.

We Are a Parasite on the Institution of Cinema, an Institution of Parasites:
First Studio for Propositional Cinema Film Festival in Conjunction with Vienna Art Week 2015
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070, Vienna
18-20 November, 2015

Wednesday, November 18
8:00–9:00 pm
Show Real Drama, a play by Keren Cytter

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