
Ian Cheng at Yuz Museum, Shanghai

Ian Cheng at Yuz Museum, Shanghai

Yuz Museum Shanghai is honored to announce its upcoming “OVERPOP”, an exhibition based on the Yuz Collection and a curatorial dialogue derived from it. As defined by Jeffrey Deitch, OVERPOP focuses on a group of artists who are defining new contemporary aesthetics. Their work embodies an intensification of the pop tradition, portraying an enhanced reality. These artists are responding to the impact of the Internet on the visual environment, but their work is more than “post-internet” art. It incorporates the historical tradition of Pop Art in addition to responding to the acceleration of digital imagery. The artists emphasize precision of craft and execution. The artist’s hand is generally subsumed within an aesthetic of industrial and artisanal fabrication techniques.

Yuz Museum
No.35, Fenggu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai,China
Sept. 4 2016 – Jan. 15 2017


For more information

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