
John Skoog at Cinema-Teartro Apollo, Bellaria, Italy

John Skoog at Cinema-Teartro Apollo, Bellaria, Italy

John Skoog is part of a group of eight artists* who have been working on ‘The Re-opening of Cinema-Teatro Apollo’ in Bellaria, Italy. In 1910, Cinema-Teartro Apollo was built on the beach of Bellaria by the inventor and philanthropist Erardo Lugaresi and his niece Jolanda Cirillo, the famous soprano.

The artists spent four weeks in Bellaria in May 2013, restoring the cinema and creating an inventory of items related to the site. This initial phase culminates in a three-day re-opening of Cinema-Teatro Apollo, showing a program of movies relating to cinema as well as curated programs by Kinothek Asta Nielsen and Home Movies Bologna.

*Christin Berg, Benedikte Bjerre, Oscar Carlson, Andreas Bulow Cosmus, Ian Edmonds, Natasja Loutchko John Skoog, Giovanni Sortino, Marcello Spada.

Cinema-Teatro Apollo
31 May – 2 June 2013
Via Muggia 16, 47814
Bellaria Igea Marina, Italy

The work at the Cinema-Teatro Apollo will continue at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, where an exhibition will act as a new tool and mirror to the objects, stories and memories collected in Bellaria.

Weltkulturen Museum
Green Room
Exhibition 10 July – 11 August 2013
Schaumainkai 37, 60594
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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