
Julião Sarmento at GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin

Julião Sarmento at GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin

The GAM is dedicating a special exhibition Julião Sarmento: Lo Sguardo Selettivo [Julião Sarmento: A Selective Look] as the third chapter of their Analects series of exhibitions that aim to establish a dialogue between active international artists and selected works in the permanent collections.

The exhibition recognises Sarmento significant career, bringing together works from the late 1970s to the present. Over 15 years ago Sarmento had his first Italian exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art of Bologna, this show begins with works that revolve around the theme of the female figure and the object, to conclude with works devoted to architecture, including two videos Cromlech (2010) and ROC (40 plus one) (2011). To establish dialogues between his work and the permanent collections, Sarmento has chosen works from two different figures that have inspired his artistic research: the Italian painter Giorgio Morandi and the American artist Sol LeWitt.

Julião Sarmento: Lo Sguardo Selettivo
13 June – 31 August 2014
GAM Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna
via Magenta, 31
10128 Turin
For more information

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