
Koo Jeong A and John Skoog at Real DMZ Project 2014, Republic of Korea

Koo Jeong A and John Skoog at Real DMZ Project 2014, Republic of Korea

Koo Jeong A and John Skoog are both included in the next presentation of the REAL DMZ PROJECT 2014. Having begun with a critical perspective on the ironies that surround the demilitarized zone, the REAL DMZ PROJECT has extended its parameters by experimenting not only with new productions and exhibitions but also via dialogue and discussions within the field of the humanities and social sciences. 

Co-curated by Sunjung Kim and Nikolaus Hirsch, the REAL DMZ PROJECT 2014 attempts to renegotiate the ideologies of peace and war, on the one side, and the realities on the ground, on the other. 

Participating artists include:
Seung Woo Back, Stigmata-#001 and Stigmata-#008 / Jae Eun Choi, No Borders Exit in Nature /Seoyoung Chung, A Nap / Florian Hecker, Reformulation & Rearranged Playlist as Auditory Scene Synthesis / Joohyun Kim, Cave House / Koo Jeong A, Consciousness Dilatation and Dearest Young Hoi and steady zero / Dinh Q. Lê, What Lay Beyond / Ookyong Lee, Broken Sky / Mark Lewis, Tiger &Observation in Cheorwon County / Ingo Niermann, The De-Mechanized Zone / Albert Samreth, Dancers on a Plane / John Skoog, Reduit (Redoubt) / Tomás Saraceno, DOF (Degrees of Freedom) / Adrián Villar Rojas, El momento más hermoso de la guerra (The Most Beautiful Moment of War)

30 August – 28 September 2014
The border area near DMZ
Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do
& Artsonje Center
Seoul, Republic of Korea

For more information

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