
Lucy Raven at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm

Lucy Raven at Index – The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm

Index presents a new iteration of Lucy Ravens ongoing talk series On Location. Ravens work focuses on the edges of image production, what happens behind the camera, in-between frames or within post-production. On Location traces the spaces of image industries in which film and animation pictures are processed, reformed, and recombined. Large parts of films produced in Hollywood are today outsourced, often to countries in Southeast Asia. After the enormous success of the re-release of Titanic in a new 3D-technology in 2012, other film companies re-released much newer films, such as 2012, digitally re-worked in Beijing, China. The lecture follows the developing technologies, infrastructures, and working conditions through which landscapes, locations, and stereoscopic spaces are constructed today.

Lucy Raven: On Location is a post-scriptum to the exhibition John Skoog and Emanuel Röhss: MAD HORIZON. With support from Kungl. Konsthögskolan, Stockholm.

Image: Lucy Raven, On Location, 2013/14. Illustrated lecture

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