
Lucy Raven—Thirteen Black Cats at La Biennale de Montréal 2016

Lucy Raven as part of Thirteen Black Cats, a research and production collective for moving images, will be participating in La Biennale de Montréal 2016 – Le Grand Balcon (The Grand Balcony).

Le Grand Balcon draws loosely on Jean Genet’s Le Balcon, in which the play’s high porch is a space of contestation between revolution and counter-revolution, reality and illusion. A recurring motif in Genet’s writing, his balcony is a place where representation itself can be perversely troubled.

The works selected for Le Grand Balcon betray a preference for “images” of deep historical resonance that materially and sensorially bind us to the here and now. Thus the exhibition enjoins us to re- consider a joyous utilitarianism and an aesthetics of sensual materialism that mobilize both the brain’s and the body’s capacities to their fullest, against the indifference of (mere) knowledge. Can we develop a hedonistic politics? An ethical hedonism?

Le Grand Balcon
19 Oct 2016 – 15 Jan 2017
Various venues
Montréal, Canada

For more info

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