
Rachel Rose at Kadist art foundation in San Franciso and Khoj in New Delhi

Rachel Rose at Kadist art foundation in San Franciso and Khoj in New Delhi

Frozen World of the Familiar Stranger

Frozen World of the Familiar Stranger reflects upon the uncanny sensation of the ultra-modern global megalopolis, and the increasing sense of alienation we encounter in our flattening world. The exhibition builds upon social psychologist Stanley Milgram’s 1970s theory of “The Familiar Stranger” to consider urban apocalyptic symptoms; physical, environmental, behavioral, psychological, and social. Through works exploring isolation, confinement, collapse, transience, anxieties, and fantasies of inhabiting collective urban space, Frozen World offers an almost satirical point of view on the human condition and what it means to be alive together in the present, and in the constructed future.

Immediately following its conclusion in San Francisco, the exhibition will travel and open in a re-imagined formation at KHOJ on December 8, 2016.


3295 20th Street, San Francisco
CA 94110
Oct. 12 – Nov. 19 2016

KHOJ International Artists Association
S-17, Khirkee Extension, New Delhi
Delhi 110017, India
Dec. 8 2016 – Jan. 11 2017



For more information 


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