
Philippe Parreno and Rachel Rose at Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Philippe Parreno and Rachel Rose at Moderna Museet, Stockholm

Ever since the days of Aristotle, life itself has remained a mystery, in spite of countless attempts by scientists and philosophers to come up with a definition. Despite contemporary advanced theories about complex systems and the vertiginous potential of synthetic biology, we are still unable to determine what constitutes life. An attempt to address the question by means of an art exhibition therefore seems justified, if only to demonstrate ways of dealing with our incapability to find a satisfactory answer.

The exhibition Life Itself stretches from the early 20th century, when artists in and alongside the abstract avant-garde were endeavouring to categorise existence, and up until today’s world of objects existing in a state somewhere in between what we call the living and the non-living. Among the artists featured in the exhibition are Giovanni Anselmo, Olga Balema, Hicham Berrada, Joseph Beuys, Karl Blossfeldt, Victor Brauner, Trisha Donnelly, Pierre Huyghe, Tehching Hsieh, Josh Kline, Hilma af Klint, Helen Marten, Katja Novitskova, Philippe Parreno, Rachel Rose, Paul Thek, and Rosemarie Trockel.

Curators: Daniel Birnbaum, Carsten Höller and Jo Widoff


Life Itself
Moderna Museet
20 Feb – 8 May, 2016

For more information


Image: Rachel Rose, Sitting Feeding Sleeping (film still), 2013. Courtesy of the artist and Pilar Corrias Gallery.

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