
Rachel Rose at Aspen Art Museum

Rachel Rose at Aspen Art Museum

The video work of New York–based artist Rachel Rose addresses how we define mortality. Her subjects range from zoos and a robotics perception lab to Philip Johnson’s Glass House, the American Revolutionary War, and nineteenth-century park design. She anchors these sites in a range of perspectives on death—from our vulnerability to catastrophe to the impact of history on our lifespan. Rose’s immersive video Everything and More is here conditioned specifically to the architecture, light, and scale of Gallery 6. The video cycles a conversation with an astronaut through footage the artist shot at a Neutral Buoyancy Lab, at home using combinations of household liquids, and at a concert to look at how our experience of the “infinite” is only possible through our human limits.


Rachel Rose
Aspen Art Museum
10 Mar – 12 Jun, 2016

For more information


Image: Everything and More, 2015. Courtesy of Pilar Corrias Gallery, London, and Gavin Brown’s enterprise, New York.

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