
Ulla von Brandenburg at the Kunstverein Hannover

Ulla von Brandenburg at the Kunstverein Hannover

A comprehensive exhibition at the Kunstverein Hannover is dedicated to the complex and distinctive style of Ulla von Brandenburg. In her films, installations, performances and drawings, von Brandenburg uses methods and approaches from theater to deal with social and historical questions. The boundary between actor and viewer, reality and illusion becomes blurred through aspects of stage and theatre which act as metaphors for human interaction.

The newest film “The Street“ (2013) follows scenes on a street, which von Brandenburg sets in the open air on an ephemeral background city consisting of white canvasses. In the exhibition of the Kunstverein Hannover, “The Street“ is made into a whole performance in several acts usinig previous films and installations. “Wagon Wheel“ (2009), “The Objects“ (2009), “Shadowplay“ (2012), “Self-Shadow“ (2013) and “Mirror Song“ (2012) submit to the mural works, designed for specific locations, and the spatial installations to create a comprehensive exhibition which highlights various aspects in previous works of Ulla von Brandenburg.

Ulla von Brandenburg
Inside is not outside
5 April to June 22 2014
Kunstverein Hannover
Sophienstraße 2
D-30159 Hannover

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