
Alice Theobald at Spike Island, Bristol

Alice Theobald at Spike Island, Bristol

Alice Theobald will premiere a live performance as part of artist John Lawrence’s After/Hours/Drop/Box one-day programme at Spike Island. In an effort to explore the influence of the music video on contemporary art practices, the evening will include a diverse series of performances, presenting the work of Theobald, Tom Woolner, Holly Slingsby, Patrick Coyle, and David Blande, among others. Prior to the performances, a panel discussion will be held and a screening of selected video works.

After/Hours/Drop/Box **LIVE**
Saturday 1 March 2014, 8:00 PM
Spike Island
133 Cumberland Road
Bristol BS1 6UX
+44 (0) 117 929 2266

Tickets: £5 / £3 concessions (booking advised)

For more information and tickets 

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