
John Skoog at NVK Wiesbaden, Germany

John Skoog at NVK Wiesbaden, Germany

John Skoog’s new film Federsee is included in the forthcoming exhibition Echo Release at NVK Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Germany. The exhibition brings together for the first time a selection of works of the artist recipients of the Hessian Cultural Foundatition Grant. Artists in the exhibition include: Sunah Choi / Lukas Einsele / Nadine Fraczkowski / Gülsüm Güler / Oliver Husain / Annette Kisling / Andrei Koschmieder / Pia Linz / Shane Munro / Martin Neumaier / Peles Empire / Sascha Pohle / Att Poomtangon / Mandla Reuter / Nada Sebestyen / John Skoog / Adrian Williams / Haegue Yang.

Echo Release
21 September – 24 November 2013
NVK Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden 
Wilhelmstrasse 15,
65185 Wiesbaden
For more info

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