
Mary Reid Kelley at Tate Modern, London

Mary Reid Kelley at Tate Modern, London

Mary Reid Kelley’s new film Priapus Agonistes (2013) is included in an evening screening ‘Ericka Beckman: Image games – work in context’ at the Tate Modern, chosen by curator Isobel Harbison. Part of a weekend retrospective screening of Amercian artist Ericka Beckman’s work ‘Ericka Beckman: Image games – work in context’ includes a number of recent works by a new generation of artists chosen by Harbison to be viewed in the company and context of Beckman’s oeuvre. In diverse ways, they exploit different children’s games, team sports, board and video games as structural or framing mechanisms, or narrative devices. Artists included in the screening are: Gil Leung, Sophie Michael, Mary Reid Kelly, Yemenwed, Helen Benigson, and Ed Atkins.

The screening will conclude with Beckman’s most recent work, TensionBuilding (2012) and be followed by a panel discussion with Ericka Beckman, curator Isobel Harbison and invited guests, contextualising her practice across generations.

Ericka Beckman: Image games – work in context
Sunday 29 September 2013, 17.00 – 19.00
Tickets: £5, concessions available
Tate Modern, Starr Auditorium
Bankside, London SE1 9TG
More info

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