Koo Jeong A

Since the early 1990s, Koo Jeong A has made works that are seemingly casual and commonplace, yet at the same time remarkably precise, deliberate, and considered. Her reflections on the senses and the body incorporate objects, still and moving images, audio elements, and aromas. Many of her works are conceived within site-specific environments that question the limits of fact and fiction, the imaginary and actuality of our world. Koo considers the connection of energies between a place and people, relying on chance to drive her encounters.

In realising her spaces and images, she draws from a wide spectrum of concerns which she developed over the years. Ranging from human cognition, to the philosophy of Taoism, from the science of Qi, to the interaction of natural elements such as earth, fire, metal, water, and wood. In her environments, nothing is merely ordinary; on the contrary, any material or phenomena—be it a mound of charcoal, a shaft of iron, or a glare of sunlight—is endowed with dignity and reverence and incites the surprise of a discovery. To venture near Koo’s work is to travel unreservedly through a cosmos of unassuming large and small forms, mysterious dwarfed spaces, and perilous landscapes of memories.

Koo Jeong A was born in 1967 in Seoul, Korea. She has been named ‘2016 Artist of the Year’ by the Korean Cultural Centre UK, celebrated with a solo exhibition in London in October 2016. Recent solo exhibitions and commissions of her work include: Enigma of Beginnings, Yuz Project Room at Yuz Museum, Shanghai (2016); Koo Jeong A x Wheelscape: Evertro, Everton Park, Liverpool (2015); Annual Journey, Pilar Corrias, London (2015); Oussser, Fondazione La Raia, Novi Ligure (2014); Koo Jeong A: 16:07, Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf (2012); OTRO, Centre international d’art et du paysageIle de Vassivière, Vassivière (2011); E opened his eyes he is now walking, CCA KITAKYUSHU Project Gallery, Kitakyushu (2011); Constellation Congress, DIA Art Foundation, Dia:Beacon, Beacon, The Dan Flavin Art Insitute, Bridgehampton (2010); Koo Jeong A, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen (2008); Flash Cube at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul (2007).

Significant group exhibitions include: 32nd Bienal de São Paulo – Incerteza Viva [Live Uncertainty], São Paulo (2016); Art Night, curated by ICA, London (2016); Take me (I’m Yours), Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Charlottenborg (2016); Discordant Harmony, Hiroshima Museum, Hiroshima (2015); recto/verso, Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris (2015); Take me (I’m yours), Monnaie de Paris, Paris (2015); The World in 2015, UCCA, Beijing (2015); Repetition and Difference, Jewish Museum, New York (2015); Burning Down the House – 10th Gwangju Biennale, curated by Jessica Morgan, Gwangju (2014); Inhabiting the World – the 6th Busan Biennale, Busan (2014); Real DMZ Project 2014, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do & Artsonje Center, Seoul (2014); A stroll through a fun palace, Swiss Pavilion at 14th Architecture Biennale, Venice (2014); Real DMZ Project 2013: Borderline, Border area near DMZ, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do, South Korea (2013); En suspension, FRAC – Pays de la Loire, Carquefou, France (2013); In Situ, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Kitakyushu, Japan (2013); Media Landscape – Zone East, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool (2010); Your Bright Future, LACMA, Los Angeles (2009); 53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice (2009); Il tempo del postino, Manchester International Festival, Manchester (2007); The Moscow Biennale, Moscow (2005); On Reason and Emotion, 14th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney (2004); Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated), Guggenheim Museum, New York (2004); 50th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice (2003); Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama (2001); Manifesta 3, Ljubljana (2000); Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju (1997); Do it, curated by Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Independent Curators Incorporated, New York (1997); Manifesta 1, Rotterdam (1996); 46th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice (1995).

Koo Jeong A lives and works everywhere.

Born 1967 in Seoul, Korea
Lives and works everywhere


Koo Jeong A, The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul – KR
Koo Jeong A, Artsonje Center, Seoul – KR

Koo Jeong A, Korean Cultural Centre UK, London – UK
Koo Jeong A, Frac Provence Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marseille – FR
Enigma of Beginnings, Yuz Project Room at Yuz Museum, Shanghai – CN
4.3.3, pinksummer, Genoa – IT
ODORAMA, ICA Art Night, Charing Cross Station, London – UK

Koo Jeong A x Wheelscape: Evertro, Everton Park, Liverpool – UK
Annual Journey, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London – UK
VOID WITHIN UNLIMITED FREEDOM, Base / Progetti per l’arte, Florence – IT
Oussser, Fondazione La Raia, Novi Ligure ­– IT
Shining Living, Yvon Lambert on paper, Yvonne Lamber, Paris – FR

Koo Jeong A: 16:07, Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf – DE
20, Pinksummer, Genova – IT
OTRO, Ile de Vassivière, région Limousin – FR
igation without numbers, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London – UK

Koo Jeong-A/Undisturbed Lake, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
Nove / Nine,
 Centro de Arte Moderna (CAM) Fundação Calouste Gulbenkin, Lisboa – PT
E opened his eyes he is now walking, CCA KITAKYUSHU Project Gallery, Kitakyushu – JP

Koo Jeong-A – Z, Yvon Lambert, New York – US
Koo Jeong A: Constellation Congress, Dia at the Hispanic Society, New York – US; Dia:Beacon, Beacon; The Dan Flavin Art Insitute, Bridgehampton – US

New Song, O, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
The Birds May Sing, Maribel Lopez Gallery, Berlin – DE
Koo Jeong-A, Pinksummer, Genova – IT

OUSSSEUX, Centre International d’Art & du Paysage, Ile de Vassiviere, Vassiviere – FR
Flash Cube at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul – KR
Koo Jeong-A, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen – US
Le Studio – Project Room, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
Temporary Measures, Associates, London – UK

Swiss Re, « R », Publication

Wednesday, Portikus im Leinwandhaus, Frankfurt – DE
Koo Jeong-A, Centre Pompidou, Espace 315, Paris – FR

ever loving drive, ArtPace, San Antonio, Texas – US
Koo Jeong A, Trans>area, New York – US
Koo Jeong A, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR

The Land of Ousss, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin – IE
121002 very, CCA Kitakyushu Project Gallery, Kitakyushu – JP
3355, Secession, Vienna – AT

Koo Jeong A, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
To fall to dive, Shima/Islands, Kyoto – JP

Côté Rue, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR

Ousss, Ousss, Ousss, Place Stalingrad 75010 Paris, Paris – FR
Association d’art de la Napoule, Château de la Napoule – FR
oo / 24, Moderna Museet Projekt, Moderna Museet, Stockholm – SE
Your heart is telling you something, Century Building, Antwerpen – BE

too://www.so.up/there, 28 rue Rousselet 75007 Paris – FR
aqueduc, ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris – FR
in out up down, CASCO Space, Utrecht – NL

Armoire du pullover, 21 22 23 May, 16 rue Etienne Marcel 75002 Paris – FR

La ville de Villepoix avec les petites poix qui devient millepoix, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris – FR
Mousse à vos mesures, 16 rue Etienne Marcel 75002 Paris – FR
Je vais à Pied, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris – FR
Lovely Loisir, 86 Crampton Street, London – UK

Migrateurs, ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris – FR
Rangements de Livres, c/o M. Obrist, St Gallen – CH


To Challenge the Earth, the Moon, the Sun & the Stars, 7th Socle du Monde Biennial, Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning – DK
The Garden-End of Times; Beginning of Times, Aros Triennial, Aarhus – DK
Take Me (I’m Yours), Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan – IT
As Above, So Below: Portals, Visions, Spirits & Mystics, IMMA | Irish Musuem of Modern Art, Dublin – IR
Reborn-Art Festival, Ishinomaki – JP
READYMADE, Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Vnà – CH
Mondialite, Boghossian Foundation Villa Empain, Brussels – BE
Imaginative Geography, ACC, Gwanju – SKR

Take Me (I’m Yours), Jewish Museum, New York – US
32nd Bienal de São Paulo – Incerteza Viva [Live Uncertainty]
, São Paulo – BR
Art Night, curated by ICA, London – UK
Take me (I’m Yours), Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Charlottenborg – DK

Discordant Harmony, Art Sonje Center, Seoul – KR;Hiroshima Museum, Hiroshima – JP
recto/verso, Foundation Louis Vuitton, Paris – FR
Take me (I’m yours), Monnaie de Paris, Paris – FR
Repetition and Difference, The Jewish Museum, New York – US
THE TELL-TALE HEART, Chi Art Space, Pilar Corrias Gallery, Leo Xu Projects and K11 Foundation, Hong Kong – CN
The World in 2015, UCCA, Beijing – CN

Inhabiting the World, Busan Biennale, Busan – KR
Burning Down the House, Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju – KR
Real DMZ Project 2014, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do & Artsonje Center, Seoul – KR
A stroll through a fun palace, Swiss Pavilion at 14th Architecture Biennale, Venice – IT

Real DMZ Project 2013: Borderline, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do & Artsonje Center, Seoul – KR
En suspension, FRAC – Pays de la Loire, Carquefou – FR
The Insides Are On The Outside / Interior está no Exterior, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Casa de Vidro, São Paulo – BR
In Situ, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Kitakyushu – JP
A Stone Left Unturned, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR

Champ d’expériences, Centre international d’art et du paysage de l´île de Vassivière, Ile de Vassivière – FR

Media landscape, zone east, gallery Loop, Seoul – KR
art project 2011 – AIDES, Yvon Lambert, Paris– FR
Serpentine Gallery Garden Marathon, Serpentine Gallery, London – UK
The Return: The 3rd International Festival of Contemporary Art of Algiers (FIAC), MAMA Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Algiers – DZ
Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo – BR

idiolect, Bruges – BE
Contemplating the void, interventions in the Guggenheim Museum, New York – US
The nice thing about castillo/corrales…, castillo/corrales, Paris – FR
RETHINKING LOCATION, Sprueth Magers Gallery, Berlin – DE
Handmade, Milan Design Week Wallpaper, Milan – IT
Street facade Building 37, Tirana – AL
Aichi Triennial, Nagoya – JP
Media Landscape – Zone East, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool – UK
Super Farmers’ Market’, Handel Street Projects, London – UK

Your Bright Future, The Museum of Fine Arts (MFAH), Houston – US
Your Bright Future, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), Los Angeles – US
Elles@centrepompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris – FR*
5th annual Art Crush, aspen art museum, Aspen – US
Il tempo del postino, Theater Basel – CH
53rd International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice – IT

Eurasia, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto (MART), Rovereto Trento – IT
god & goods, Villa Manin, Codroipo – IT
Turin Triennial, 50 Moons of Saturn, Turin – IT

Il tempo del postino, Opera, Manchester International Festival, Manchester – UK
Everstill, Casa Museo Federico Garcia Lorca, Granada – ES
Wherever we go, sfai, San Francisco – US
(Lost), Ateliers des Arques, Les Arques – FR*
Not all is visible, Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection, Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense – DK
Various Small Fires, Royal College of Art Gallery, London – UK
Flash Cube, Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul – KR

wherever we go – ovunque andiamo, spazio oberdan, Milan – IT*
Not all is visible, Works from the Astrup Fearnley Collection, Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo – NO
Suites Coréennes, Passage de Retz, Paris – FR
Coincidenze, Via Nuova SRL, Florence – IT
Il faut rendre à Cézanne, Galerie Yvon Lambert, New York – US

Emergency Biennale in Chechnya/Bolzano Stop, Palais de Tokyo, Paris – FR
Matrix Art Project, Brussels – BE
EURAC, the European Academy, Bolzano – IT
33 1/2 Baltic Triennial, Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London – UK
Artists’ Books Revisited, Art Metropole, Toronto – CA
Joy, Casino Luxembourg – LU
Performa 05, first biennial of new visual art performance, New York – US
Guangzhou Triennial, Guangzhou – CN
Hermès Korea Missulsang, Artsonje Center, Seoul – KR*
MAN, Museo d’Arte della Provincia di Nuoro, Sardaigne – IT
Le invasioni Barbariche, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano – IT
The Moscow Biennale, Moscow – RU
Vénus en Périgord, Périgueux – FR

On Reason and Emotion, 14th Biennale of Sydney, Sydney – AU
Ulysses, Oesterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna – AT
Dont touch dona bianca, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin – IT
Open, Arcadia University, Pennsylvania – US
Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated), Guggenheim Museum, New York – US

Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer, 50th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice – IT
Open Garden, Watarium Museum, Tokyo – JP
Happiness, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo – JP
Regarde, il Neige, Centre National d’art et du paysage, Ile de Vassiviere – FR

Less Ordinary, ArtSonje Center, Seoul – KR
International 2002, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool – UK
Self /In Material Conscience, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin – IT
A given circumstances (gesture in situ), Arcadia, University Art Gallery, Glenside – UK
Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju – KR
The air is blue, Casa Barragan, Mexico City – MX
Trans>area, Le studio, Yvon Lambert, New York – US
Haunted by details, Stichting de Appel, Amsterdam – NL
Hugo Boss Prize, Guggenheim Museum, New York – US*
Les Enfants du Paradis, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
La Folie de la villa Médicis, Academia di francia a romavilla Médicis, Rome – IT

In Cielo, Venice Biennial organised by TRANS, Venice – IT
Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama – JP
Art Unlimited, Art 32 Basel, Basel – CH
Room 137, Yvon Lambert, Hôtel du Commerce, Basel – CH

Sentimental, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
Continental Shift, Aachen, Maastricht, Heerlen, Liège – BE
Snapshot, Contemporary Museum of Art, Baltimore – US
Echigo Tsumari Art Triennal 2000, Art Front Gallery, Echigo Tsumari/Tokyo – JP
Manifesta 3, Ljubljana – SI
IASPIS Galleriet, Stockholm – SE
La Ville, le Jardin, la Mémoire 1998 / 2000: Le Jardin 2000, Villa Médicis, Rome – IT
From a Distance: Approaching Landscape, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, Massachusetts – US
Les Affinités électives 2, Galerie du Jour Agnès b, Paris – FR
Offered spaces/Spazi offerti, San Casciano dei Bagni, Siena – IT
Prodige, une nouvelle génération d’artistes en France, Espace Paul Ricard, Paris – FR
Super Split, BüroFriedrich, Berlin – DE
Rovaniemi, Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
Finale di Partita, endgame, fin de partie, Biagiotti Progetto Arte, Florence – IT
Vivre sa vie, Tramway, Glasgow – UK
Rendez vous, Collection Lambert, Musée d’Art Contemporain, Avignon – FR

Ma Sorcière Bien Aimée, Côté Rue Yvon Lambert, Paris – FR
Cities on the move, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebek – DK; Hayward Gallery, London – UK
Laboratorium, Antwerp – BE
Cutting Edge Art, Soane Museum, London – UK
Au-de, Galerie Klostorfelde, Berlin – DE*
Singulier Pluriel, Frac des Pays de la Loire, Nantes – FR
L’Autre Sommeil, ARC, Musée d’art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris – FR
Nous nous sommes tant aimés, ENSBA, Paris – FR
Cities on the move, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki – FI
Passage: New French Art, Sategaya Museum, Tokyo – JP
Retrace your Steps: Remember Tomorrow, Sir John’s Soane Museum, London – UK
Xn 99, Espace des Arts, Chalon-sur-saône – FR
Vertical time, Chicago Museum, Chicago – US

Vertical Time, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York – US
Tu parles/j’écoute, Tapei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei – TW
La sphère de l’intime, Le Printemps de Cahors, Cahors – FR
Dust Memories, Frac Bourgogne, Dijon – FR
Unfinished History, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota – US
Moderna Museet Projekt 98, Stockholm – SE*
Area Dos, Rekalde, Bilbao – ES
Association Château de la Napoule, la Napoule – FR
Gare de l’Est, Casino Luxembourg – LU
Imitating Xmas, Berlin – DE

Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju – KR
Transit, ENSBA, Paris – FR
Secret Street, Vleeshal, Middelburg – NL
Cities on the move, Secession, Vienna – AT
52 bd Voltaire, Espace Huit Novembre, Paris – FR
619 KBB 75, Paris – FR
Do it, curated by Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Independent Curators Incorporated, New York – US*

lé Tube, Art TV Shopping, Forde à l’Usine, Geneva – CH
Ouvert la Nuit, Avignon – FR
Dépôt-vente du Particulier, 19 rue Richard Lenoir, Paris – FR
2,3,4 May, 21 bd Jourdan 75014 Paris – FR
Uccelli/Birds, ZERYNTHIA, Parco degli Uccelli, La Selva – IT
Manifesta 1, Rotterdam – NL
Do it, Taidehalli, Helsinki – FI
Kaukolampoa, Helsinki – FI
Do it, Forde, Geneva – CH
Setzen Stellen Legen Vergleiche, Bahnhof Messepalast, Vienna – AT
XII ateliers du Frac des Pays de la Loire, Saint-Nazaire – FR
L’art du plastique, ENSBA, Paris – FR

Etrangères au Paradis, Le Monde de l’Art, Paris – FR
Tu parles / j’écoute, Galerie Anne de Villepoix et Jet Lag K, Paris, Malakoff – FR
Club Berlin, 46th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, Venice– IT
L’Art d’Aimer, Nouvelle Vague, Sète – FR
Présentation de Sommaire, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris – FR
Muestra 1, Bibliotheca Luis Angel Arago Calle, Casa Republica, Bogota – CO
Mito, Operat 95, Ravenne – IT
Almanacco 2000, Zona Archives, Florence – IT
Ducks Not on a Pound, Manchester – UK
1er International Videozine Screening, Galerie Air de Paris, Paris – FR
lé Tube, Hôpital Ephémère, Paris – FR

Collection Zonmée, Montreuil – FR
lé Tube in Merry Go Round, Shedalle, Zürich – CH

* Indicates catalogue


Fundación Casa Wabi, Mexico City – MX
Hermes Korea Prize for Contemporary Art
Finalist of the Guggenheim Museum’s Hugo Boss Prize
Winner of the Villa Medicis Award



Ajeongkoo 26 August – 22 October 2017 Art Sonje Center 87 Yulgok-ro 3-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03062 Korea Art Sonje Center presents Koo Jeong A’s solo exhibition entitled ajeongkoo from 26 August to 22 October, 2017.Koo Jeong A captures everyday sceneries, … More

Koo Jeong A at Korean Cultural Centre in London

Koo Jeong A at Korean Cultural Centre in London

Koo Jeong A: Riptide The Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCCUK) is pleased to announce Riptide, a new exhibition from their 2016 ‘Artist of the Year’, Koo Jeong A. Running from 7 October – 19 November 2016, the artist presents 20 … More

Koo Jeong A in London’s first Art Night

Koo Jeong A in London’s first Art Night

For one long rapturous night on 2 July, artists will wrest Westminster from the clutches of politicians, creating art from dusk till dawn in public spaces and very private ones, including a disused tube platform and a luxury apartment for … More

Rachel Rose and Koo Jeong A at Engadin Art Talks, Zuoz

Rachel Rose and Koo Jeong A at Engadin Art Talks, Zuoz

E.A.T./ENGADIN ART TALKS “TRACES AND FRAGMENTS” The art and architecture forum E.A.T./Engadin Art Talks will take place for the fifth time on the weekend of 30-31 January 2016 in Zuoz in the Engadin. The topic of this year’s event is: … More

“Discordant Harmony” at Hiroshima MOCA

"Discordant Harmony" at Hiroshima MOCA

In observing the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art is holding a trilogy of exhibitions examining Hiroshima from three perspectives—its past as a city destroyed by an atomic bomb, its path of reconstruction, and … More

Koo Jeong A at Liverpool Biennial

Koo Jeong A at Liverpool Biennial

Liverpool Biennial and Liverpool City Council have commissioned leading South Korean artist Koo Jeong A and Wheelscape Skateparks to design a new permanent interactive sculpture for Everton Park, the Everton Park Wheels Park, in partnership with Friends of Everton Park, the Land Trust and Liverpool … More

Koo Jeong A at Jewish Museum, New York

Koo Jeong A at Jewish Museum, New York

The notions of difference and repetition have been part of philosophy and art practices for thousands of years. Artists have commonly employed repetition – the creation of artworks in series or the making of multiples and copies – in their work for … More

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

We are excited to announce Pilar Corrias will be participating in Art Basel Hong Kong 2015. The gallery will present works by artists: Koo Jeong A Tala Madani Ken Okiishi Philippe Parreno Shahzia Sikander Rirkrit Tiravanija Tunga Art Basel Hong … More

Koo Jeong A at ICA Off-Site: Hong Kongese

Koo Jeong A at ICA Off-Site: Hong Kongese

Duddell’s Presents: ICA Off-Site: Hong Kongese is an exhibition of international contemporary artists whose work is inspired by our ever-changing world and the cosmopolitan centres in which they live. A large commercial neon sign from Hong Kong’s recent past introduces an … More

Koo Jeong A at Frieze Art Fair, London

Koo Jeong A at Frieze Art Fair, London

For Frieze 2014, artist Koo Jeong A has created Cedric & FRAND, a sculpture of magnets for a solo presentation at Pilar Corrias’ stand. Comprising thousands of ferrite magnet units, the work considers how electromagnetic power governs the universe, an invisible force  affecting all … More

Koo Jeong A at Gwangju Biennale 2014

Koo Jeong A at Gwangju Biennale 2014

Koo will present the installation Its Soul and accompanying performance at the Gwangju Biennale, curated by Jessica Morgan. Burning down the House 5 Sep – 11 Nov 2014 10th Gwangju Biennale Gwangju, South Korea For more information

Frieze Art Fair 2012

Tala Madani

Pilar Corrias is delighted to announce its participation in Frieze Art Fair 2012. The gallery will present new works by artists: Charles Avery Koo Jeong A Tala Madani Philippe Parreno Tobias Rehberger Rirkrit Tiravanija Frieze Art Fair, London 11-14 October … More

Koo Jeong A on the Vassivière Island

Koo Jeong A on the Vassivière Island

Koo Jeong A was commissioned in 2009 by the French Cultural Minister and the Limousin region to create for the Centre international d’art et du paysage de l’île de Vassivière a skateable work entitled OTRO. The artist invites visitors, experts … More

Koo Jeong A

Koo Jeong A

Pilar Corrias Gallery is please to announce that we are now representing Koo Jeong A

Hannah Ellis-Petersen, Let’s glow: skaters descend on Liverpool’s glow-in-the- dark skatepark, The Guardian, October 2015 (Download PDF)

Pop Magazine, Autumn/Winter, 2012 (Download PDF)

Art in America, April, 2011 (Download PDF)

Frieze, April, 2008 (Download PDF)

Artforum, Summer, 2003 (Download PDF)

Koo Jeong A: Annual Journey

Koo Jeong A: Annual Journey

Koo Jeong A presents a new series of large watercolour paintings depicting various large rock formations for her second solo exhibition, Annual Journey at Pilar Corrias. These new works are a continuation from Koo’s 2013 work Consciousness Dilatation that was … More

Koo Jeong A ‘Navigation without numbers’

Koo Jeong A 'Navigation without numbers'

Pilar Corrias, is delighted to present Koo Jeong A’s first solo show in London, Navigation without numbers. For her show at the gallery Koo Jeong A has produced two site specific installations that juxtapose the simple initial awareness of the … More