Ken Okiishi

Ken Okiishi works in disparate media systems. His works hover over and within relationships between matter and memory, perception and action, image-networks and language-systems, often confronting our digitally and materially entwined culture with hesitation. Working through and with multiple mediums in fused simultaneity (video/painting, writing/video, object-circulation/image-circulation, currency/sculpture, etc.), he incites moments when the “real world” loses its material coherence and where languages and images fall apart. As Okiishi subverts the material claims of the media systems he works with, the glitches that occur illuminate spaces for the production of something other than what has already been.

Ken Okiishi lives and works in New York. Recent solo exhibitions include: Solar/Data/Matter: Sobreteixims i escultures, 1972, 1968, 2016, 1978, Fundació Gaspar, Barcelona (2016); Porous Feedback, Arbeiterkammer Wien, Vienna (2015); Gestures, data, feedback, Take Ninagawa, Tokyo (2015); Screen Presence, Museum Ludwig, Cologne; Reena Spaulings, New York (2014); gesture/data, Pilar Corrias, London; (List Projects) Ken Okiishi, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts (2013); The Very Quick of the Word, Hessel Museum of Art, Bard Center for Curatorial Studies (2013); Gino/Marcel Duchamp on, Mathew, Berlin (2012); (Goodbye to), Take Ninagawa, Tokyo (2012); (Goodbye to) Manhattan, Alex Zachary, New York (2010); and (Goodbye to) Manhattan, Mehringdamm 72, Berlin (2010). Recent group exhibitions include: Performing Time, Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai (2016); MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver (2016); Over you/you, 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana (2015); Cut to Swipe, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2015); Whitney Biennial 2014, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (2014); Frieze Projects, Frieze Art Fair, London (2013); Speculations on Anonymous Materials, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel 2013); Version Control, Arnolfini, Bristol (2013); Frozen Lakes, Artists Space, New York (2013); Liebe ist Kälter als das Kapital [Love is Colder than Capital], Kunsthaus Bregenz (2013); Perfect Man II, White Columns, New York (2012); The Log-0-Rithmic, GAMeC, Bergamo (2012).

Born 1978 in Ames, Iowa, United States
Lives and works in New York


Being and/or Time, Reena Spaulings, New York – US

Solar/Data/Matter: Sobreteixims i escultures, 1972, 1968, 2016, 1978, Fundació Gaspar, Barcelona – ES

Porous Feedback, Arbeiterkammer Wien, Vienna – AT
Gestures, data, feedback, Take Ninagawa, Tokyo – JP

Screen Presence, Projekt 25 / 25 / 25, Museum Ludwig, Cologne – DE
Eggleston und Andere, “reality bites”, Mathew, Berlin – DE
Ken Okiishi, Reena Spaulings, New York – US

gesture/data, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London – UK
[List Projects] Ken Okiishi, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts – US
A Way Out As Hovering (curated by Annie Godfrey Larmon), Rongwrong, Amsterdam – NL
The Very Quick of the Word, (curated by Annie Godfrey Larmon), Hessel Museum of Art, Bard Center for Curatorial Studies, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York – US

(Goodbye to), Take Ninagwawa, Tokyo – JP
Gino / Marcel Duchamp on, Mathew, Berlin – DE

Gino / “thinking about moving uptown” / Marcel Duchamp on, Alex Zachary, Frieze Art Fair: Frieze Frame, London – UK

(Goodbye to) Manhattan, Mehringdamm 72, Berlin – DE
(Goodbye to) Manhattan, Alex Zachary, New York – US


Poetry as not, with singing, Artist Web Project,, Dia Art Foundation, New York – US

Nick Mauss & Ken Okiishi, Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo – BR (with Nick Mauss)

Looking Back: The White Columns Annual, White Columns, New York – US (co-curated with Nick Mauss)

A Fair to Meddling Story, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart – DE (with Nick Mauss)
One Season in Hell, Upstairs at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York – US (with Nick Mauss)


Projective Life: Lucy Ives + Ken Okiishi, Light Industry, Brooklyn, New York – US
Emily Sundblad’s Dichterliebe/Divine Bitches Part II, with Juliana Huxtable and Ken Okiishi, Serpentine Gallery, London – UK

Enter/Exit, curated by Steven Cairns as part of OPEN-ENDED ISSUES: Eine Reihe zu Überproduktion und Ambivalenz in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthalle Bern, Bern – CH

Modern Mondays: An Evening with Ken Okiishi (screening and discussion with Stuart Comer and Emmelyn Butterfield-Rosen), The Museum of Modern Art, New York – US
Artists’ Film Biennial, ICA, London – UK (curated screening of works by Leslie Singer & Cecilia Dougherty and Loretta Fahrenholz)

The Sixth Year, Anthology Film Archives, New York – US (Produced by Ludlow 38, New York)
Artists’ Film Club, ICA, London – UK
Pride Goes Before a Fall: Beware of a Holy Whore: an exhibition in two acts, Artists Space, New York – US
(Goodbye to) Manhattan, Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg – DE
Telly & Casper / The Deleted Scene, Artists Space Books and Talks, New York – US
El Mundo, Haunted Houses Projects, White Columns & Rainer Ganahl present: Classical Music Concert at El Mundo Third Avenue Theater, El Mundo – All Brand Name, 1852 Third Avenue, New York – US
Domino, I ate it, (with Emily Sundblad), L’Archiduc (organized by Galerie VidalCuglietta), Brussels – BE

Volcano Extravaganza (with Emily Sundblad), Stromboli, Aeolian Islands – IT
A Hanging at TIMES, TIMES e.V. für Kunst und Kultur, Neukölln, Berlin – DE
Golem, Hamburg – DE

(Goodbye to) Manhattan, Anthology Film Archives, New York – US

Harpsichord concert, Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin – DE

Circular File Channel: Episode 2005 (2009), Performa 09, New York – US
Nostalgia Isn’t What It Used To Be, (performance series curated by Sharon Hayes and Brook O’Harra) La Mama E.T.C., New York – US

Manhattan soundtrack, Evas Arche und der Feminist, New York – US
Vorstellungsklavier (version 3), Ludlow 38, New York – US

Vorstellungsklavier (version 2), Künstlerhaus Stuttgart – DE
Vorstellungsklavier (version 1), Upstairs at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York – US

E.lliotT.: Children of the New Age (screening), Evas Arche und der Feminist, Berlin – DE

The Good Luck Galleon (broadcast of “Telly and Casper”), Manhattan Neighborhood Network Television – US  


Being Modern: MoMA in Paris, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris – FR

PLEIN_ECRAN, La Station, Nice – FR
À la Présentation de la Collection Thea Westreich Wagner et Ethan Wagner, Centre Pompidou, Paris – FR
Mixtape 2016, Pilar Corrias Gallery, London – UK
MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver – CA
Performing Time, Leo Xu Projects, Shanghai – CN

Collected by Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US
Full of Peril and Weirdness: Painting as a Universalism, M Woods, Beijing – CN
RR ZZ, Gluck50, (curated by Amy Lien & Enzo Camacho), Milan – IT
Over you/you, 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, (curated by Nicola Lees) – SI
Under the Clouds: From Paranoia to the Digital Sublime, Serralves Museum, Porto – PT
Second Chances, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen – US
The Tell-Tale Heart, Chi Art Space, K11 Foundation, Hong Kong – HK

Cut to Swipe, The Museum of Modern Art, New York – US
Galerie Neu at La Douane, Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris – FR
The Material Image, (curated by Deb Singer), Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York – US
Whitney Biennial 2014
, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York – US
The Granite Block, Overduin & Co., Los Angeles – LA

Speculations on Anonymous Materials, Fridericianum, Kassel – DE
Frieze Projects, Frieze Art Fair, London – UK
Das Beste vom Besten: Vom riskanten Geschäft der Kunst [On the Risky Business of Art], Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf – DE
Love is still colder than capital
, Mathew, Berlin – DE
Version Control, Arnolfini, Bristol – UK
Liebe ist Kälter als das Kapital [Love is Colder than Capital], Kunsthaus Bregenz – AT
Frozen Lakes, Artists Space, New York – US

Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and
interesting, and modern (curated by Tom Burr), Bortolami, New York – US
TCCA, NEW THEATER 2012-2013, APN Research, autoslides #1-3, shindisi home videos, the deleted scene, a fanzine as a museum /a museum as a fanzine, cut-out bin / apnegative, sci-fi sounds from the alienated kitchen, OOO &&& LLL, hc r 1, Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland – CH
The Log-0-Rithmic, GAMeC, Bergamo – IT
Volcano Extravaganza, Stromboli, Aeolian Islands – IT
Films and Windows II, Mathew, Berlin – DE
“During the Second World War, a British sergeant piloting a Kittyhawk fighter plane disappeared in the Sahara Desert. Now employees of an oil company have come upon the plane’s remains within the shifting Egyptian sands. To the joy of historians, the aircraft is astonishingly well-preserved and reveals a great deal about its pilot’s fight for survival”: Heike-Karin Föll, Ken Okiishi, Robin Bruch, Peep-hole, Milan – IT
Relocated, MD 72, Berlin – DE

Grand Opening Part 1, Mathew, Berlin – DE
Perfect Man II, White Columns, New York – US
Books on Books, Swiss Institute, New York – US Based in Berlin, Berlin – DE
Hasta Mañana, Greene Naftali, New York – US Nobody Can Tell the Why of It, 1857, Oslo – NO
I don’t know if it makes any sense – I feel quite dizzy and a little drunk due to the blow. I will return with more info shortly…, IMO, Copenhagen – DK
Chris Kraus, Ken Okiishi, George Perec / Bernard Queysanne and friends, Herald St, London – UK
One is the loneliest number (with Nick Mauss), Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia – US

In the Middle of Affairs (curated by Egija Inzule, Tobias Kaspar and Axel J. Wieder), Kunstlerhaus Stuttgart – DE

Head-wig (Portrait of an exhibition), Selected by Paulina Olowska, Camden Arts Centre London – UK
modernmodern (curated by Pati Hertling), Chelsea Art Museum, New York – US
Gennariello, Balice Hertling, Paris – FR
Evas Arche und der Feminist, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, St. Louis – US

One Season in Hell, MD72, Berlin – DE

When Artists Say We, Artists Space, New York – US
Between the Lines (curated by Nick Mauss), Daniel Reich temporary space at the Chelsea Hotel, New York – US
Sehnsüchtig gleiten Ballone rund um die Welt (KünstlerInnen-Archiv) (curated by Caroline Eggel and Christiane Rekade) Gormannstrasse/Mulackstrasse, Berlin – DE

Exile: New York is a Good Hotel (curated by Anke Kempkes), Broadway 1602, New York – US

Home (organized by Patterson Beckwith), American Fine Arts, Co. at P.H.A.G., New York – US
New Image Art, Los Angeles – US
Nowojorskie Porno (curated by Monika Szczukowska), Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw – PL
Was ist in meiner Wohnung wenn ich nicht da bin? (Programm im Gästezimmer) (curated
by Caroline Eggel and Christiane Rekade) Temporary project space, Berlin – DE

Now Playing, D’Amelio Terras, New York – US
Listen Translate Translate Record (curated by Lanka Tattersall) Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York – US
Karaoke Death Machine, Daniel Reich Gallery, New York – US

Sharing Horizons That Are New to Us, Houghton Gallery, Cooper Union School of Art, New York – US
Coal By Any Other Name: The Journey Towards The Good Taste (compiled and set on stage by Syntax, Early Century Unrest & The Society Of Control” a.k.a. Stephen Dillemuth) American Fine Arts, Co., Colin de Land Fine Art, New York – US

The Anita Pallenberg Story (Video by Laura Cottingham and Leslie Singer, with production still photographs by Aaron Cobbett, Laura Cottingham, Rainer Ganahl, Lucas Michael, Chuck Nanney and Ken Okiishi) Postmasters, New York – US


The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, BFA


Artists on Artists Lecture Series: Nick Mauss and Ken Okiishi on Hanne Darboven, Dia Art Foundation, Dia:Chelsea, New York – US
Ken Okiishi in Conversation with Jens Hoffmann, AM at the JM, February 21, Jewish Museum, New York – US

Albert Oehlen: Home and Garden, Contemporary Painting Symposium, Panel 2: “Digital Abstraction”, New Museum, New York – US
Light Repairs: A Roundtable on the Restoration of Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals, with Yve-Alain Bois, Harry Cooper, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, Ken Okiishi, R.H. Quaytman, David Reed, Jeffrey Weiss and Michelle Kuo, Artforum, Summer 2015, pp. 290–299, 380, 382, 384
Universal Pictures: Considering Contemporary Video Practice (roundtable with Joan Jonas, Ken Okiishi, Lucy Raven and Jennifer West), Jewish Museum, New York – US

Who Cares if it’s Painting?, panel discussion organised in conjunction with Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963–2010 (with Frances Stark, Carroll Dunham, Wolfgang Tillmans, Ken Okiishi, and Glenn Ligon. Moderated by Kathy Halbreich), The Museum of Modern Art, New York – US
Who Cares if it’s Painting: Artist Ken Okiishi Talks with Curator Kathy Halbreich, The Museum of Modern Art, New York – US

Corrected Slogans: A Publication in Four Acts: Act 1: Poems for America: A Rebours [Aaron Kunin in conversation with Ken Okiishi, moderated by Katie Raissian], Triple Canopy, Brooklyn, New York [podcast:]



Ribas, João, Under the Clouds: From Paranoia to the Digital Sublime, Serralves Museum, Porto
Singer, Deb, The Material Image [exhibition catalogue], New York, Marianne Boesky

Ken Okiishi, Annie Godrey Larmon, Alise Upitis, The Very Quick of the Word, Sternberg Press
Whitney Biennial 2014 [exhibition catalogue], Yale / Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Ken Okiishi and Annie Godfrey Larmon, [DRAFT] A Way Out as Hovering: Congestion and Porosity in the Work of Ken Okiishi, New York: Hessel Museum of Art, CCS Bard Center for Curatorial Studies

Corrected Slogans: Reading and Writing Conceptualism, New York: Triple Canopy

Based in Berlin [exhibition catalogue], Berlin: König

Hertling, Pati, Stefan Kalmar, Ariane Müller, Jan Verwoert, modern modern, New York/Berlin: Chelsea Art Museum/Starship

A Fair to Meddling Story. With Nick Mauss and Jill Johnston. Zürich: JRP Ringier

One Season in Hell. With Nick Mauss. New York: Gavin Brown’s Enterprise


Citizenship, Texte Zur Kunst, December “The Canon,” p. 124.

“Painting Paintings,” [essay on Joan Mitchell] in Joan Mitchell: Retrospective: Her Life and Paintings, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, pp. 39-49

Light Repairs: A Roundtable on the Restoration of Mark Rothko’s Harvard Murals, with Yve-Alain Bois, Harry Cooper, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Carol Mancusi-Ungaro, Ken Okiishi, R.H. Quaytman, David Reed, Jeffrey Weiss and Michelle Kuo, Artforum, Summer 2015, pp. 290–299, 380, 382, 384

Time as Material: Joan Jonas, Ken Okiishi, Lucy Raven, Jennifer West, Mousse 47, February 2015, pp. 222-233

Critics Page, curated by Barbara London, “Tools and Contemporary Art,” Ken Okiishi, The Brooklyn Rail, March 2015,

Carlo Scarpa, Artforum, November

“Live from Harlem,” in El Mundo: A Classical Music Concert, Booklet/LP, Mousse/Villa Merkel/White     Columns/ Haunted House Projects

“Ei Arakawa interviewed by Ken Okiishi about his participation in the UNITED MileagePlus Program,”     Wandering No. 2

“Best of 2012: Bernadette Corporation: 2000 Wasted Years,” Artforum, December, pp. 222-225

“Sun Photographs: Ken Okiishi and Nick Mauss reflect on Zoe Leonard’s Sun Photographs,” MAP,

“Ken Okiishi on Forrest Bess,” Artforum, May, pp. 89-92

“The Threat of the Provincial [Le menace du provincial],” May, No. 8 (February), pp. 16 – 37

“Fancy Feast: Ken Okiishi on The Leopard at Des Artistes,” Artforum, November, pp. 107-108

“Artists’ Artists,” Artforum, December

“On Georges Perec’s ‘Un homme qui dort’,” Bidoun, No. 14 (Spring/Summer)

“If/Then: Carey Young,” [review] Bidoun, No. 14 (Spring/Summer)

“Top Ten,” [with Nick Mauss] Artforum, March

“K/L/M/N/O/P: a conversation,” Noël sur le balcon / HOLD THE COLOR. with Nick Mauss, LucyMcKenzie and Paulina Olowska, Ed. Jan Seewald and Stephan Urbaschek.  Munich: Kunstverlag Ingvild Goetz.  pp. 64-112

“Documenta 12,” [review] Bidoun, No. 12 (Fall)

“Never Forget to Remember: On Disaster and Tourism,” Bidoun, No. 7, pp. 71

“How Raël taught me how to meet the aliens,” K48: “Kult 48,” No. 4, pp. 11-13


“Ken Okiishi,” The New Yorker, March 6, pp. 18

Schwendener, Martha, “What to See in New York Art Galleries This Week,” New York Times, February 16

Bell, Kirsty, “Recalibrating the Eye. Ken Okiishi and Kirsty Bell in Conversation,” Camera Austria International, Issue #134, 2016 2015

Bacon, Alex, “Surface, Image, Reception: Painting in a Digital Age,” Rhizome May 24.

Henry, Max, “Ken Okiishi ‘Porous Feedback’” Spike Art Quarterly No. 47

Maerkle, Andrew, “AB/EX/AMB/OM,” ART iT, November 6

“Artist Pick Up: Ken Okiishi,” Bijutsu Techo, November Issue, pp. 132-135

Wilk, Elvia, “Ken Okiishi,” Art in America, February 28,

Smith, Roberta, “Ken Okiishi: Reena Spaulings Fine Art,” New York Times, March 13

Nagy, Jeff, “Ken Okiishi,” Artforum, Summer 2014

Pollack, Maika, “Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963-2010, The Museum of Modern Art,” Gallerist NY, April 16,

Roben, Scott, “PICKS: Ken Okiishi,”

Howe, David Everitt, “Everywhere at Once: Ken Okiishi: painting in the age of Instagram,” Frieze        Magazine, April 2014

Pollack, Maika, “Ken Okiishi,” Interview Magazine, March 2014

Doran, Ann, “Ken Okiishi,” TimeOut New York, March 10, 2014

Cotter, Holland, “Frozen Lakes,” New York Times, February 21

Fiske, Courtney, “Frozen Lakes,”

Russeth, Andrew, “New York Artists Now,” GalleristNY,

Russeth, Andrew, “’Frozen Lakes’ at Artsits Space,” GalleristNY, January 29,

McGovern, Fionna, “Roto-Zebra-Reliefs,” Annual Magazine (Paris), pp. 49-51

McGovern, Fiona, “Roto-Zebra-Reliefs,” Texte zur Kunst, pp. 204-206

Stakemeier, Kerstin, [review]

Smith, Roberta, “Looking Back / The 6th White Columns Annual—Selected by Ken Okiishi and Nick Mauss,” The New York Times, February 10

Wilson, Michael, “Looking Back: The 6th White Columns Annual,” Artforum, April

“Looking Back,” The New Yorker, January 17

Heinrich, Will, “The End of the Beginning: Looking Back/The White Columns Annual,” The New York Observer, January 16

Trembley, Nicolas, “Happy Galleries,” Numéro, December 2011 – January 2012, pp. 52

Holmqvist, Karl, “(Goodbye to) Manhattan,” May, No. 7, October, pp. 118-124

Russeth, Andrew, “In Artforum, Artist Ken Okiishi Becomes a Restaurant Critic,” GalleristNY, October 25,

Mcgarry, Kevin, “Frieze Frame: Ken Okiishi’s Manhattan Transfer,” T Magazine (The New York Times Style Magazine), October 18

“Frieze hopes for a fair wind,” The Independent, October 13

Cotter, Holland, “PERFECT MAN II,” New York Times, October 7

Rutland, Beau, “Hasta Mañana,” Artforum, October, pp. 341

“Hasta Mañana,” Time Out New York, July 14-20, pp. 38

Røed, Kjetil, “Nobody Can Tell the Why of It,” Aftenposten, May 2011

Nordby Wernø, Johanne, “Nobody Can Tell the Why of It” / Critics Pick   

“Nobody Can Tell the Why of It’ at 1857, Oslo,” Mousse Magazine Blog, June 14,         

Haraldseth, Geri,“NOBODY CAN TELL THE WHY OF IT Curated by Esperanza Rosales at 1857,   Oslo,” Kaleidoscope Blog,

Lewis, David, “Neverland,” Mousse 26, December 2010/January 2011, pp. 190-195.

Camblin, Victoria, “Ken Okiishi,” / Critics Pick

DAS INSTITUT, “Top Ten,” Artforum, April, pp.95

“Ken Okiishi,” The New Yorker, March 8

Sanchez, Michael, “From the Inside Out: Ken Okiishi,” Art in America, February 17,                              

Rosenberg, Karen, “Art in Review,” New York Times, Feb 5, pp. C27

Geldard, Rebecca, “Head-wig. (Portrait of an Exhibition) Selected by Paulina Olowska,” Art Review,    December, pp. 116

Charlesworth, JJ, “Head-wig (Portrait of an Exhibition),” Time Out London, Oct. 30,   

Eichler, Dominic,  “How do these things touch each other?” Mousse, September-October, pp. 41-45

Stillpass, Zoe, “Gennariello. Balice Hertling–Paris,” Flash Art, May-June 2009, pp. 130

Lewis, David,  “Gennariello,” / Critics Picks, March 20,

Wolin, Joseph, “Ken Okiishi & Nick Mauss,” Modern Painters, December  2008 /January 2009, pp.62-63

Zerweck, Dietholf, “Realität mit Fragezeichen,” Esslinger Zeitung, Oct 19

Leisten, Georg, “Ein blutrotes Fragezeichen,” Stuttgarter Zeitung, Nov 6

Schacher, Marko, “Austellung als Schnitzeljagd,” Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 9 Nov. listing, film    screening of Georges Perec and Bernard Queysanne’s Un Homme Qui Dort for the end of the    Künstlerhaus exhibition, Stuttgarter Nichrichten, Nov 24

Cotter, Holland.  “Between the Lines,” New York Times, March 24

Armetta, Amoreen, “Out of the Box,” art on paper, September-October, pp. 36-37

Cotter, Holland.  “Exile in New York is a Good Hotel,” New York Times, August 5

“Happenings: Home Economics” New York Magazine, August 9, pp. 82 and 84

Ken Okiishi at Light Industry, New York

Ken Okiishi at Light Industry, New York

Ken Okiishi took part in ‘Projective Life: Lucy Ives + Ken Okiishi’ at Light Industry. Ken Okiishi presented his 1999 video Death and the College Student alongside Lucy Ives’ recent collection of dreams, aphorisms, games, and lists, The Hermit (The … More

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Miami Beach 2016

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Miami Beach 2016

We are excited to announce Pilar Corrias Gallery will be participating in Art Basel | Miami Beach 2016. The gallery will present works by artists: Ulla von Brandenburg Gerasimos Floratos Tala Madani Ken Okiishi Philippe Parreno Mary Ramsden Tschabalala Self Shahzia … More

“Porous Feedback” at Arbeiterkammer Wien

"Porous Feedback" at Arbeiterkammer Wien

Opening on the 19th of November newly commissioned work Porous Feedback by Ken Okiishi at the Arbeiterkammer of Vienna. The exhibition is curated by Yilmaz Dziewior. Arbeiterkammer Wien 1040 Wien Prinz-Eugen-Straße 20–22 20 November – 29 April 2016 For more information

Ken Okiishi at 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana

Ken Okiishi at 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana

The 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts consists of the main exhibition Over you / you, curated by Nicola Lees with Associate Curator Stella Bottai, which will be on display at the International Centre of Graphic Arts, the Museum of Modern Art, … More

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

Pilar Corrias at Art Basel Hong Kong 2015

We are excited to announce Pilar Corrias will be participating in Art Basel Hong Kong 2015. The gallery will present works by artists: Koo Jeong A Tala Madani Ken Okiishi Philippe Parreno Shahzia Sikander Rirkrit Tiravanija Tunga Art Basel Hong … More

Ken Okiishi at Museum Ludwig, Köln

Ken Okiishi at Museum Ludwig, Köln

For his Museum Ludwig project Screen Presence, Ken Okiishi has been invited to develop a new work in reflection of works in their collection as part of the Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westfalia’s 25/25/25/ project. Building on his series of work gesture/data, which … More

Ken Okiishi at MoMA, New York

Ken Okiishi at MoMA, New York

Ken Okiishi exhibits alongside Dara Birnbaum’s landmark installation PM Magazine (1982) and recent works by Luther Price, James Richards, Hito Steyerl, and The Otolith Group in collaboration with Chris Marker.  The exhibition is comprised primarily of recent acquisitions by the Department of … More

Pilar Corrias at Artissima, Turin

Pilar Corrias at Artissima, Turin


Ken Okiishi at Fridericianum, Kassel

Ken Okiishi at Fridericianum, Kassel

Ken Okiishi is included in Speculations on Anonymous Materials at Fridericianum, Kassel. The show brings together approaches in international art that reinterpret the Anonymous Materials created by rapid and incisive technological change. Art’s task changes in a world suffused with generated images. It … More

Ken Okiishi at Frieze Projects 2013, London

Ken Okiishi at Frieze Projects 2013, London

Ken Okiishi has been commissioned to create a project as part of the programme for Frieze Projects 2013, curated by Nicola Lees. Ken’s commission is housed within a transparent Perspex-walled space, allowing the public to view the work from a … More

Ken Okiishi at ICA, London

Ken Okiishi at ICA, London

Ken Okiishi will take part in the ICA’s Artists’ Film Club series this September. Ken will screen two of his films The Deleted Scene (2012) & Telly and Casper (2000) which will then be followed by a Q&A. Artists’ Film … More

Recalibrating the Eye: Ken Okiishi and Kirsty Bell in Conversation, Camera Austria International, Issue 135, 2016  (Download PDF)

Interview, Marfa Journal Issue #5, 2016, pp. 288 – 291. (Download PDF)

Filipa Ramos, Time as a machine: a conversation between Joan Jonas, Ken Okiishi, Lucy Raven and Jennifer West, Mousse February/March, 2015, pp. 222-233. (Download PDF)

Michael Sanchez, Painting and Screen Otherwise, Whitney Biennial 2014 (Download PDF)

David Lewis, “Neverland,” Mousse 26, December 2010/January 2011, pp. 190-195. (Download PDF)

Mixtape 2016

Mixtape 2016

Pilar Corrias presents Mixtape 2016, a compilation of film and video from nine gallery artists. The exhibition devotes two days to each artist, showcasing the unique aesthetics of their practices and collectively the diversity of the gallery programme. Mixtape 2016 stems from … More

Phantom Limbs

Phantom Limbs

Phantom Limbs: Alisa Baremboym, Antoine Catala, Ian Cheng, Cécile B. Evans, Ken Okiishi, Philippe Parreno, Charlotte Prodger, Rachel Rose Pilar Corrias presents Phantom Limbs, a group exhibition that traces how notions of consciousness are evolving as a result of our … More

Ken Okiishi: gesture/data

Ken Okiishi: gesture/data

Looking at them for a long time… That could be enough—that looking and thinking and having that experience. Pilar Corrias is pleased to present Ken Okiishi’s first solo exhibition in London, gesture/data. Ken Okiishi takes up and troubles the vocabulary … More